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社評0313 張震牧師之愛心

社評0313   張震牧師之愛心


今天上午在美南集團辦公室舉辦了一場心靈健康教育論壇新聞發布會, 由遠道從紐約來的張震牧師主持。 我在會上做為引言人首先對這批華裔牧師之奉獻表示由哀之敬佩, 並感謝他們此行把這極具意義更為我們社區目前最需要的心靈健康項目帶來了及時雨。

在張牧師之簡介中,他介紹了近年來他們如何走進紐約社區 、學校、警局輔導青少年之心理健康, 解答父母有關對少年之教育問題, 對於目前紛亂之社會, 拯救青少年之工作有了非常大之成效。

我們在會中決定成立德州休斯敦籌備小組, 全面配合張牧師在綫上綫下之活動,加速给予社區青少年之心理輔導工作, 並且會儘快聯絡各大社團同鄉會對於需要之孩童們伸出援手。

動亂不安及槍支氾濫之社會對我們的青少年是非常重大之威脅 ,我們呼籲大家要守望相助,同舟共濟,為我們下一代之幸福共同努力。

The Love Of Pastor Zhang

A press conference of the Spiritual Health Education Forum was held in the Southern News Group conference room this morning. It was hosted by Pastor Zhang from New York City. In the opening remarks, I expressed our admiration for the dedication of the special group of Asian pastors and thanked them for making this trip so much more meaningful at the present time. 

Pastor Zhang introduced us on how their team has entered into the New York community in recent years and worked with the schools and the police department to tutor the mental health needs of teenagers while answering the concerned questions of their parents. The program has achieved great success in saving the lives of many teenagers in this chaotic society. 

At the meeting, we decided to form a working group in Houston, Texas, to fully cooperate with Pastor Zhang and extend his services to the local community. 

We are urging all members of our community to help each other and to work together for our future generation.