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社評 0309 達拉斯 我們來了

社評 0309   達拉斯 我們來了

達拉斯 我們來了

週三清晨我們沿着四十五號州際公路往北行, 沿路已經有春天初次綻放的花卉在路邊, 風和日麗。這個令人心懭神怡的旅程, 過去多少年不知走過多少次, 但是此行確實令我興奮和愉悅, 其中必然有許多辛酸和歡樂之淚水。

達拉斯這個南方耀眼之城市 ,我們在八十年代就結下了緣份, 美南新聞已經在此紥根。在弟妹家人和報社同仁之共有努力下, 我們和華亞裔社區一起成長, 當年那位獨臂經營金門麪𠂆的老闆及幾家只賣雜粹的餐館已經進入歴史, 但是我們毅然站在新聞媒體之最前沿和這個令人振奮之南方之星城市繼續前進。

今天我們和一群在此奮鬥有成之華人工商人士聚集 ,在七十五號公路旁的豪華餐廳品嚐鮮美佳餚, 聽到他們如何從大陸農村來到這塊土地拼搏成功的故事, 他們太了不起了, 不但充分表現我華夏民族之吃苦精神, 更是華裔美人之表率。

我們在探索如何把他們也加入金融服務行列, 如何在大達拉斯地區共同開發土地及促進地方經濟之繁榮, 為了迎接更多之發展 ,美南新聞集團及環球第一銀行控股公司共同發起之第一屆德州休斯敦環球工商博覧會,定於本年十月三十日至十一月一日在休斯敦布朗會展中心揭幕, 將為我華亞裔在美國之歷史上寫下新頁。

Dallas We Are Coming 

On Wednesday as we drove down Interstate 45, all along the road there were already flowers blooming for the first time in spring on the roadside. 

The seasonal wind and sun gave us  a pleasant journey. I don’t know how many times I’ve traveled this road over the past several years, but this trip really made me excited. There must be many tears of bitterness and joy. 

Dallas is a most dazzling city           

in America that we formed a relationship with in the 1980’s. Our newspaper, the Dallas Times has strong roots here. With the combined efforts of our family members and colleagues, the newspaper grew up with the community. At that time, there were only a few Chinese restaurants and one small grocery store. Many of them have since entered into history. But we resolutely stand at the forefront of the media business and continue to move forward in this exciting southern state city.

Tonight we gathered with a group of successful Chinese business leaders here to taste delicious seafood at a luxury restaurant close to the nearby Central Expressway. We heard the amazing story about how they came to this land to fight for their success.  

We were there to let them know that  the newly formed Global One Bank and Southern News Group will jointly sponsor the First Houston Global Expo to be held on Oct. 30 to Nov. 1 at Houston's George R. Brown complex and at Hilton Americas Hotel.

This event will mark the first time in history and we are all very proud of it.