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社評 0308 我們的腳步沒有停過

社評 0308  我們的腳步沒有停過



自從金恩博士為爭取民權平等運動以來,  我們的社會還是充滿了歧視和不平等,社會上之貧富差距還在繼續增大, 一個城市兩個世界, 尤其是近年來 ,我們華亞裔之處境愈發艱困。 

華人自百年前即以華工建造鐵路以來, 我們成為亞洲移民美國之主要國家。 根據最新數據,華裔人口已經近六百萬人, 而且還不斷增加, 其中包括最近從美墨邊境偷渡的華人。

我常在思考一個非常現實的問題,為什麼還有那麼多全世界的人們,包括華人在內都想盡辦法想到美國來, 其中最重要的原因是有個美國夢, 這塊土地為我們提供了機會和自由發揮之園地。 

但是情勢可能已經在巨變中, 由於民粹主義和種族歧視之高漲 ,社會各階層在醞釀着排外之情緒, 尤其對華亞裔社區最為嚴重。

多少年來, 我們站在媒體工作之最前沿, 我們的腳步從未停竭過,我們盡力以社會服務及各型文化交流方式來促進族羣和諧, 這也是我們二十多年來建造非營利之國際貿易中心及每年舉辦農暦新年園遊會及今年十月三十一在休斯敦舉辦首次國際工商博覧會之主要原因。

國際工商博覧會希望得到各界人士之支持, 表現華亞裔國際社區對社會之貢獻和關愛, 我們的腳步從來沒有停過。

Our Footsteps Have Not Stopped

With the beginning of the presidential and congressional local elections, it will surely lead    to having a great impact on our future. 

Since Dr. King’s civil rights movement, our society is still full  of discrimination and inequality. The gap between the rich and the poor in society continues to widen. One city, two worlds, especially in recent years, the situation of the Asian Chinese has become more difficult. 

Over one hundred years ago since Chinese labor came to America    to build the railroad, we have now grown to become a single country from Asia that immigrated to the United States. According to the recent data, the Chinese American population in the U.S. has now reached nearly six million and it has also been increasing steadily and includes recently smuggled Chinese entering the U.S. from the Mexican border. 

I often have been thinking about why the whole world and many people still want to come to America? The most important reason is that we can provide opportunity and freedom to all those people. But the situation may have changed dramatically due to the rise of populism and racial discrimination, especially against the Chinese Americans.

At last, we are in the forefront line of media work. Our pace has never stopped to promote ethnic harmony. This is why we built the International Trade Center to sponsor many culture events, including now the First Annual International Business Expo coming on October 31 in Houston, Texas. 

We hope all of you can join us to show our concern and care for this great land we all call home.