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社評0221 我們能為休斯敦市貢獻些什麽

社評0221   我們能為休斯敦市貢獻些什麽


全國地方選舉之活動因三月初選將逐步展開,一場激烈之選戰是難免的, 尤其是十一月之總統大選將是一場決定許多人未來之命運及世界大局之選戰。 無可諱言, 今天美國之一舉動仍然牽動世界之未來。

近年來因為市長議員之選舉, 我們華亞裔及國際社區展現了空前之團結力量, 讓候選人紛紛在我們的活動中穿梭, 他們不外是選票和鈔票, 我們大家都盡力做到了。

今天大休斯敦地區之華亞裔市民已經達到百分之八, 這股不容忽視之力量已經逐漸展現出我們之實力 ,在這批數十萬市民多半是受過高等教育及從事各行之專業人士及實業家, 更令人興奮的是我們的第二代更是優秀之人才。

對於這塊我們賴於生存之土地, 也需要貢獻自己之力量, 無論在公益、 商業方面都要大家共同努力。

正在籌辦中之休斯敦國際工商博覽會將是我們對本市一次非常重要之大型活動, 希望邀集全球各地之工商界人士前來休斯敦參觀考察, 促進國民外交及經濟繁榮,貢獻我們大家之力量。

What Can We Contribute To The City Of Houston?

The national and local elections are gradually beginning with the start of early voting. A fierce election is inevitable, especially in the presidential election in November which will be an election that will determine the future of many people and affect the overall situation of the world.

This year we as Asians and an international community have shown unprecedented unity in Houston. During the past election campaign for the mayor's office and city  council positions, many candidates were in our community asking for votes and donations. We all tried our best to participate.

Today the number of Asian American residents in the greater Houston area has already climbed to 8%. This is a force that cannot be ignored and it is a force that has gradually and increasingly demonstrated our strength. In this group, most are highly educated professionals and businessmen.

For this land that we now call home, we must work together in terms of public welfare and common interests.

The Houston International Business Expo is now under preparation and will be a very important event where  we can bring more investors into this great city. This is one important area where we can make a very significant contribution to our city.