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社評0202 台北政壇風起雲湧 韓國瑜出任院長

社評0202   台北政壇風起雲湧 韓國瑜出任院長

台北政壇風起雲湧 韓國瑜出任院長

前高雄市長韓國瑜在立法院長之競爭中只以些微票數登上院長寶座 ,在此同時, 江啟臣也當選為副院長, 我們要在此向他們同時也是校友之院長副院長表示由衷之祝福。

台灣近期之中華民國總統大選, 民進黨以得票百分之四十點五繼續執政, 而多數選民仍然希望新的政治變革。 但是民進黨仍然繼續撑握政権, 而韓國瑜在萬難之情勢下, 為國民黨扳回一城。


我的美國友人不論是政界精英或販夫走卒, 一提起台灣 ,絕大多數都擔心台灣未來之前途 ,有的甚至問會不會成為下一個烏克蘭 ?

韓院長, 你的責任太大了, 台灣是否得救 ,海峽兩岸可否和平 ,全靠院長之智慧和努力了。

Taipei Political Scene Is Turbulent -     New Leaders In Legislative Congress

Former Kaohsiung Mayor Han Guoyu got a few key votes to become Speaker of the Legislative Yuan (congress) in Taiwan. At the same time, Chiang Qichen also was elected as Vice Speaker. We would like to express our sincere blessing to both of them who are also alumni from our National Chengchi University.    

In Taiwan, following the recent presidential election, the current DPP party continues in power having received 40.5% of the total votes. Even though the majority of the people wanted a change, the DPP still remains in power. 

With the current ever-changing international situation, the Sino-US-Taiwan relationship remains very sensitive and faces many challenges. 

When it comes to Taiwan issues, many of our friends are really worried about Taiwan and some are asking whether it will become the next Ukraine. 

Speaker Han, your responsibility is too great. Whether Taiwan can avoid a war and gain a peaceful future depends now on your wisdom and best efforts.