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社評 0129 德州向聯邦挑戰

社評 0129   德州向聯邦挑戰


德州國民兵拒不服從聯邦高等法院和聯邦政府之命令, 反而繼續設置更多之邊境鐵絲網,並且和聯邦巡邏隊繼續對峙, 這已經造成國內嚴重的政治危機。

前總統川普並且讃揚德州州長艾伯特之行動非常正確, 如果他再度入主白宮將會立即派兵支援。 據說一個有二千人的民間組織, 今明兩天即將到達美墨邊境參加阻止非法移民進入美國之行動。

我們絕不願見到緊張情勢造成人員之傷亡,我們號稱世界上民主國家之領袖, 真是讓世界在看笑話。

移民問題是政府長期無法解決之大事, 基本上全世界之難民都想要往美國跑, 而美墨冗長之邊界無法阻止大批之人潮, 徳州政府對此也束手無策。 

從政治選舉而言, 對非法入境之人員是個非常熱門之議題, 其中包括人道主義、 善待弱勢、爭取選票、 經濟負擔, 更重要的是選票。

我們眼看那些老弱婦孺及大批年青人奮不顧身地要逃到美國 ,心中也有幾分同情, 但是這的確是目前美國之負擔。

Texas Challenges The Federal Government

The Texas National Guard has refused to obey the orders of the  high court, openly disobeying the mandate of the federal government. Instead, they continue to set up more barbed wire in a park area at the border that poses a direct confrontation with federal patrols. This has caused a serious political crisis for the country. 

Former President Trump praised Texas Governor Abbott’s action  saying that if he returns to the White House, he will send in federal troops to support him. More than 2,000 people with several civic organizations will be arriving today to participate in activities aimed at the preventing of illegal immigrants from attempting to cross the border. 

The standoff between the federal and local governments is really a joke. The U.S. as the leader among democratic countries of the world has faced this issue for a long time. Yet, we still can’t solve the problem through the Democrat and Republican parties.

We have sympathy for all those people who want to come into America as refugees, but we also have many of our own internal problems and we cannot accept them or take care of them. 

We really don’t want this problem to become so political of an issue in this election year, but we still need to come to a conclusion on a solution.