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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

社評0101 回顧與展望 新歲新希望

社評0101   回顧與展望 新歲新希望

回顧與展望 新歲新希望

今天是二0二四年新歲首日 ,世界各大城市的賀年煙火和歡樂之音符冲向雲霄, 這份喜悅和歡呼帶來了新的一年,但是仍然無法掩蓋許多人間的苦難呐喊 。

過去一年來, 休斯敦國際區不過斷努力改善區內治安和基建工作, 並得到國會議員格林及芙萊徹之大力協助 ,得到聯邦政府之補助將在主要交通幹道改建國際區內安全人行道, 繼而美化市容。

經過去年六個多月之積極籌備, 由華亞裔、 非裔、 拉丁裔、 歐裔及主流社區共同組成之 [德州族裔文化同盟聯合陣線] 正式宣告成立, 並立即募到十二萬元基金, 也舉辦多次群眾大會,公開反對德州議會第147 條法案, 多次在休斯敦紀事報及美南日報刊出整頁廣告,表達我們的意見, 這個組織今後必然將扮演我們在政治、文化 之主要舞台。

國際貿易中心在成立二十一週年之際 ,舉辦了盛大年會, 邀集了各界政府、 議會、商業領袖共聚一堂, 德州土地資源局長班尼漢博士、 休斯敦前後任市長惠特邁及特納、美國國會議員格林希拉積克遜李、 市議員、 州議員四百多位佳賓參加 ,充分顯示對華亞裔高度重視。

今年更重要的是我們大力支持的德州參議員惠特邁高票當選休斯敦市市長, 我們將會有更多機會參與市政之建設和建言。

回顧過去算是豐收之一年,  國際社區之領袖和代表已經組成了一個堅強之團隊來迎接未來新的挑戰, 並將深入社區, 在新市長之領導下,為休斯敦全市之觀光、文化、經濟及國際關係作出貢獻。

Past Year Review And Outlook With New Hope For The New Year

Today is the first day of the new year of 2024. Fireworks and music of joy in all the major cities around the world have rushed to the sky. The joy and cheers bring in the new year, but still cannot replace or end all of the suffering of so many people. 

Over the past year, the Houston International District has made 

great strides of progress towards improving public safety and infrastructure, efforts which have now received assistance 

from Congressman Al Green and Congresswoman Fletcher with the approval of federal grants to rebuild the sidewalks in our district. 

After six months of active preparation, last year the Texas Multicultural Advocacy Coalition, which is composed of Asian, African, Latino, European and mainstream communities, was officially established and immediately raised funds totaling U.S. $120,000.00. Our main goal will be to participate in the political and cultural activities of our community in the future. 

Just past November, the International Trade Center hosted the 21th Annual ITC Gala in Houston, Texas. More than 400 guests attended the event which was attended by many political leaders including Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner and new Mayor John Whitmire, U.S. Congressman Al Green, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and many diplomatic representatives of several foreign countries. 

What’s more important was that our friend John Whitmire was elected as the new mayor of the City of Houston.

Looking forward to the future, we are here with a very strong Houston international coalition and ready to serve our city and community.