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社評1127 關心國事天下事

社評1127   關心國事天下事


新冠疫情打亂了世界大局, 各國經濟面臨之衝擊。 中東戰事、 俄烏之戰、 台海情勢及緬北地區詐騙集團之猖狂, 這個地球真是充滿了不確定性。

美國及台灣目前正在進行一場國家領導人之選舉, 台美兩地未來何人勝出將會決定世界之前途, 戰爭舆和平可能就在一念之間。

海峽兩岸之未來是我們大家共同關切的大事, 這關乎世界局勢之演變 ,老實說 ,此次中華民國總統大選之三組人馬已經決定, 但是彼此在未來國家定位問題上確有極大之分歧 。

我們呼籲海外關心國事的有識之士, 但應該在未來五十多天內立即行動, 可以透過座談, 捐款及回國投票方式來加入行動行列。

我們將在全美加地區聯合二十個大小城市進行串聯, 充分反映大家之意見, 為這次之大選盡份力量。

  Caring About Our National Affairs 

The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the world's overall economies in various countries. The war in the Middle East and in Ukraine, the situation in the Taiwan Strait and the rampant fraud group in Northern Myanmar, all of these conflicts, are really full of doubt and uncertainty. 

The United States and Taiwan are currently conducting political campaigns that will elect national leaders, respectively. Whoever wins in the future, will affect the future of the entire world. 

The future of the Taiwan Strait is the major issue that we are all concerned about. This is related to world peace. To be honest, there are three groups of candidates in the Taiwan presidential election. And there are indeed great differences among the candidates and their differences will determine their political positioning in the future should they be elected. 

We urge the people who are concerned about the election to join the action through donations and seminars, and then go back to vote. 

We will unite twenty cities in North America to fully reflect everyones' opinions and do our part for this important election in Taiwan.