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社評1123 感恩-珍惜生命之瞬間

社評1123  感恩-珍惜生命之瞬間


今天是感恩節 ,我倚在窗前注視着院裡不斷湧出之噴水池塘, 让我憶起逝去的雙親,他們的恩情如喷水流長, 對家人之關愛及友人之陪伴,工作上之夥伴和伸出援手幫助過我們的人。


在中東及歐洲之戰火未熄, 成千上萬之無辜無家可歸 ,初生嬰兒死於炮火之下。

在紐約及休斯敦街頭, 感恩節之遊行正在開始, 街上之觀眾向花車致敬禮 ,這股祥和歡樂充滿大街 ,此情此人景和戰火連天之地區真是天壤之別。

我們必須知福惜福, 要給那些需要幫助的人伸出援手, 每個人皆能為社會帶來一絲溫暖。

Gratitude - Cherish The Moments Of Life 

Today is Thanksgiving day. I leaned out my front window and stared at the water fountain pond out in the yard. I remembered my deceased parents' kindness and it was like a fresh spray of water for me. 

I reflected on the care of my family and friends and our partners who have helped us on our journey in life. Mostly, I felt gratitude.

Today the world is full of war, hatred and political plots. We took a look at the Taipei Grant Hyatt’s political drama which shows a worrisome difficulty in the Taiwan Presidential election. A little carelessness can pose a fatal threat to the fate of 23 million people. 

Thousands of refugees are still homeless. Thousands of them have lost their lives. We are so very lucky. We are still celebrating the Thanksgiving parade on our streets.

We must keep blessing others and lend a helping hand to those who need help. Everyone can bring a trace of warmth to society.