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社評1111 國際貿易中心三位共同創人共慶金婚之喜

社評1111   國際貿易中心三位共同創人共慶金婚之喜


二十年前, 我和吉米 哥萊同時倡議成立非營利之國際貿易中心, 來促進休斯敦和世界各地之交流。

二十年過去了 ,國際貿易中心為德州和全球之交流做出了貢獻。

更令我們感到興𡚒的是, 我們三個原始發起人金諾威和妻子蘇菲亞、 膝権及妻子凱蒂及我和妻子凱凱瑟琳, 都已結婚五十週年 。

我們要趁此慶祝國際貿易中心成立二十-週年之際 ,慶祝我們三個人的金婚之喜, 感謝家人朋友給予之祝福。

在人生之旅程上, 我們相知相惜相愛了半個世紀, 這是𠆤永遠烙在心中之重要日子。

Founders Of Houston International Trade Center Celebrate Their Golden Wedding Anniversaries  

Twenty-one years ago, Wea Lee, Glen Gondo and Jim Noteware, the three together proposed to establish the International Trade Center in Houston’s International District. 

Twenty-one years later we are still promoting international culture and business activities between Texas and all around the world. 

What is making our lives even happier is that the three of us have been married for fifty years: Jim and Sophia, Glen and Kathie, Wea and Catherine. 

We are taking this happy occasion not only celebrate 21 years of the International Trade Center, but also to celebrate the three Golden Wedding Anniversaries for the three founders of ITC.