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社評1103 德州州長今訪以色列

社評1103   德州州長今訪以色列


共和黨籍之德州州長艾伯特和奧克拉荷馬州長斯地特今天同時到達特拉維夫和以色列總理尼塔亞胡會面, 表示對該國之堅決支持,對抗哈馬斯之侵畧。

在此同時, 德州政府宣布購買三百萬美元之以色列政府公債。  州長在一項聲明中表示, 州政府將全力支持和援助以色列面對哈馬斯恐佈組織之侵畧。


多年來 ,猶太裔在德州各大城市和當地政界有着千絲萬縷之政商關係, 猶太人不但有非常成功之事業版圖而且政治捐款從不手軟。

中東加薩走廊之戰火恐無法停止, 美國國內正不斷聲援以色列, 看來戰爭之日子還長呢。

 Texas Governor Abbott Visits Israel 

Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt were in Israel today to show their support for Israel in the war against Hamas. 

They will meet with Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netayahu and other officials in Jerusalem. In the meantime, the State of Texas will purchase a three-million-dollar Israeli bond. In a statement, Governor Abbott said that Texas will fully support and assist Israel in their military response to the invasion of their country by the Hamas terrorist organization. 

The State of Texas has also allocated four million dollars to strengthen 31 Jewish organizations in Texas. 

For many years, Jews have had inextricable political and business relations in major U.S. cities and local politics.

The war in the Gaza Strip is still going on. We do not see any solution in the near future.