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社評1102 駱家輝大使之憂慮

社評1102  駱家輝大使之憂慮


應休斯敦亞洲恊會之邀,美國前駐中國大使駱家輝今午向數百位中外人士表示, 中美關係是世界和平及經濟繁榮之重要因素。 他批評川普時代對中國進口物品之加稅, 事實上都是美國消費者負擔, 而中國在此時也趁機不再購買美國貨, 如波音公司之生意也受到影響。

這位出生在西雅圖第三代華裔政治家曾經擔任華盛頓州長、商業部長是華人在美民選最高之政治領袖, 當他在出使北京時, 曾經自帶一背包, 走到星巴克及隨意遍街用餐之市民作風而聞名。

駱大使談到自己清寒出身, 父母開餐廳雜貨店。他是如何從貧民公寓中長大,自己刻苦向上直到耶魯大學畢業, 他一生成功故事也是許多美國人之故事。

目前擔任美國百人會的前大使, 非常憂心许多華裔科學家及教授被誣陷為中國間諜,一生被毀。 雖然事後被司法洗脫 ,但是為時已晚。 

他強調今天中美關係必須加強民間交流, 才是穩定之基礎。

我們十分歡迎駱大使再度訪問休斯敦, 希望他對於華裔之權益多向主流表示敬佩意見, 由於他的影響力是我們華裔社區最需要的。


Ambassador Locke’s Worries

At the invitation of the Houston Asian Society, the former Ambassador to  China, Gary Locke, told hundreds in the audience that Sino-U.S. relations are an important factor for world peace and economic prosperity. He criticized the fact that when we increased the import duty on goods from China, it was actually a burden on our own consumers, and at the same time, China also stopped buying American products. The business of large companies such as Boeing has also been affected.

The third generation Chinese American politician who was born in Seattle once served as governor of the state of Washington, served as the state's Secretary of Commerce and was the U.S. Ambassador to China. When he was the envoy in Beijing, he once wore his backpack at the airport and went to Starbucks and local restaurants.

Locke is very worried about some Chinese professors and scientists that have been framed unfairly as spies and said that such accusations have destroyed their lives. 

We are here to welcome Ambassador Locke. Your leadership is most needed by our community.