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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

社評 0918 走進歷史的長河裡

社評 0918 走進歷史的長河裡



台北圓山飯店是一部寫滿歷史的巨型建築。 自1949 年蔣介石退居台灣以來實施卧薪嚐膽 ,毋忘在莒及厲精圖治之政策, 在這個孤島上, 因韓戰之爆發, 中華民國能予煙火繼續, 因而才創造出台灣奇蹟, 為全球寫下了許多傲世之成績。

圓山飯店二樓之長廊上 ,至今尚有許多珍貴的歷史照片, 其中包括艾森豪訪問台灣, 伊朗國王、 泰國國王、 沙地國王先後下蹋之套房,台美斷交談判場景,巨星依莉沙白來訪, 無數歷史之图片說明當年在圓山飯店之輝煌过去。

細數這些人物已經埋在歷史之長河中,, 試想如果不是當年蔣總統誓死保衛台灣 我們大家共同享受七十多年之和平光景, 我們共同之歷史必將改寫。

在古色古香的長廊上, 我再次走過并扶著紅色之圍欄, 遠眺台北101 大樓, 深深地吸了口氣, 還是非常甜美的。

An Historical Memory At The Taipei Grand Hotel 

Since 1949, after Chiang's Nationalist Government moved to Taiwan, many government actions involved fighting for survival, especially in the case of the Korean war which was the main reason the U.S. reconsidered to protect Taiwan.

Over the last seventy years, many heads of state, including U.S. President Eisenhower, the kings of Iran and Thailand and even movie star Elizabeth Taylor and many other heads of state, even during such a difficult time, still there were many diplomatic activities that occurred on the small island.

In our lifetime we really have  appreciated President Chiang's strong leadership to be able to spend more than seventy years in peace.

Today once again, we spend time and stand on the wall of history 

with a very deep and touching feeling.