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社評 0810 紐約市面臨難民危機

社評 0810 紐約市面臨難民危機


紐約市長亞當斯週三向白宮請求処理難民氾濫之危機, 這將使市府造成巨大的財政負荷。 市長表示,目前已經有五萬七千人在市府之照顧下, 自去年以來已經有十萬難民前來紐約要求庇護。

紐約市政府已經支付十四億五千萬元為他們設置住所食物及其他費用, 到2023 至2025二年之間,市府將會花費一百二十億經費來應付危機。

許多共和黨執政之州, 也同樣向白宮要求, 移民問題應該以國家危機方式來處理, 對於邊境不斷湧進之難民已經造成各州及聯邦政府之極大負擔, 尤其是紐約芝加哥波士頓等城市最為嚴重。

亞當斯市長表示雖然联邦政府支援不足, 但是我們不會放棄那些前來尋求美國夢的兄弟姐妹們。

非法移民問題已經是困擾美國內政最敏感及困擾之議題, 對於我們移民國家而言 ,接納移民是我們基本國策 。但是如何處理大批非法進入國境的難民已經成為民主共和兩黨之爭論焦點。 

我們眼見許多越過邊界的難民多半是年青力壯或孩童, 許多都可成為一個補充之勞力 ,也是我們解決勞工短缺之方式之一。

今天全世界許多地方的人, 還是有人不斷追求美國夢, 更有許多人不冒生命危險, 繼續努力越過邊境。非法移民是個難解的問題。

New York City Declares A State Of Emergency

New York City Mayor Eric Adams called for the federal government to declare a State of  Emergency saying that the asylum seekers now living in the city could end up costing the city billions of dollars in coming years. 

Adams said that more than 57,000 migrants are currently under the city’s care and nearly 100,000 asylum seekers have been brought to shelters since last year. 

New York City has already spent $1.45 billion during the fiscal year of 2023 on shelters, food and services for asylum seekers, and at the current spending rate, the projections show that future expenditures will exceed $12 billion for fiscal years 2023 to 2025. 

Many Republican states have also asked for help from the White House saying that the immigrant problem should be handled in the form of a national emergency. The influx of refugees from the border has caused a great burden on all of the states as well as on the federal government, especially in the cities of New York and Chicago. 

Mayor Adams said that, "Although the federal government's support is still insufficient, we will not give up on those brothers and sisters who are actively seeking the American Dream."

The immigrant issue has become one of the most serious challenges of all of our domestic problems. 

Today, many people around the world are still seeking an opportunity to come to America. They risk their lives to cross the border every day. We as a country built by immigrants should openly consider their efforts and sacrifices and extend to them the opportunity to stay in America.