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美國新冠疫情日記05/13/2020 我们是『待宰羔羊』?

美國新冠疫情日記05/13/2020    我们是『待宰羔羊』?


白宮醫療顧問福其在向參議院作證時,高度關注因爲開放商業活動會再導致疫情之不可收拾, 他也拒絕把疫苗成功定下任何時間表,在此同時由佩洛西領導的民主黨在衆議院提出第叁波的經濟救助提案,敦促政府再度撥款叁萬億來拯救包括地方、市及州政府之財政危機,包括好友市長唐納也要立即解雇叁千休斯敦市政府員工。

根據權威醫療專家之預估,如果疫情無法控制,在八月底前全國將有超過十六萬人失去寶貴生命, 而且其中泰半是住在養老院的無助老人及非裔、拉丁裔少數族裔美國人,他們大部分是弱勢族群而且生活在貧窮線下的受害災民。





Where Is Hope For Me?

Dr. Anthony Fauci told Senators that if the country did not adequately prepare, then we run the risk of having a resurgence. In Congress, the Democrats are sponsoring a proposal for a new stimulus bill. Their $3 trillion relief package will provide funding to state and local governments along with a new round of direct payments to individual American citizens. Today, our friend Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner also plans to furlough about three thousands workers.

According to the predictions of medical experts, there will be almost 160,000 lives lost in America by the end of August. Most of them are people who live in senior housing and includes African-Americans and Latinos who live in poorer communities around the country.

Today, the U.S. is the number one super power in the world, but in this pandemic we just don’t see how our government can manage the ongoing crisis. So many people are suffering with no hope. We want to urge the city and state governments to immediately mobilize all their resources with the federal government to set up testing centers in every community and hand out free food to all the needy citizens.  Most importantly, we need to organize a coronavirus pandemic task force to rescue every emergency spot.

Most of the country is now open for business. We are so very worried about this virus that will never stop attacking us. The people’s lives are in despair and with no hope. We want the politicians to come up the effective resolution to rescue us and the whole country.