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社評0720 國際貿易中心在全美各地紮根

社評0720    國際貿易中心在全美各地紮根


在德州休斯敦成立已逾二十年的國際貿易中心, 預計在首都華盛頓、 波士頓及美西洛杉磯分別設立辦事處, 全面展開在全美各大城市之活動, 這也是二十年來走出德州之第一步。

過去許多年來, 國際貿易中心扮演著許多文化、 貿易交流之工作, 我們透過講座、 高峯會 、餐會、 文化活動為休斯敦在非洲、 亞洲及加勒比海等國內外家建立起交流之橋樑。 我也非常榮幸能被幾內亞政府認任為駐德州名譽總領事, 參加了休斯敦外交領事團和九十八個各國總領事外交代表進行溝通和交流。 

由我們籌組之2023 年文化貿易訪問團, 定於下週二七月二十五日前往首都華盛頓訪問, 除了參加年度國際領袖基金會年會之外, 並將於拜會國會山莊、 幾內亞大使館, 並將參加由美南新聞出版之介紹趙小蘭部長新書發表會, 並將為國際貿易中心華盛頓辦事處揭幕典禮。

今年度之出訪計劃將包括有墨西哥商務投資考察團 ,亞洲投資美國招商團及非洲訪問團等多項行程, 這將是國際貿易中心結合新成立的環球第一銀行向全球拓展金融貿易文化之重大發展。

International Trade Center Will Take Root All Over The United States 

The ITC, which was established in Houston, Texas, more than twenty years ago, is planning to set up offices in the U.S. capitol of Washington, DC, Boston and Los Angeles. Each location will fully carry out the ITC activities and services in additional major cities in the United States in the near future. This expansion also is our first step out of Texas in the past twenty years.

Over the past several years, the ITC has promoted and played an important role in cultural and diversity projects as well as development and support of international trade and exchange inititatives with many countries. We have built a bridge for Houston’s cultural exchanges here at home and abroad in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean through lectures, seminars, banquets, international country celebrations and other trade activities. I am also very honored to have been named the Consul of Guinea in Houston, Texas. I now have the opportunity and privilege to communicate directly with 98 countries' consuls and diplomats right here in our hometown of Houston, Texas. 

This year we are planning many trade missions, including one on July 25 when we are heading to Washington, DC to attend the International Leadership Foundation Gala and visit the Embassy of Guinea and attend the book signing ceremony with Secretary Elaine Chao. Her new book has been  published  by Southern News Group. 

This year we also have trade missions planned to Mexico and Asian countries with the newly formed Global One Bank. This is the time to promote our business around the globe.