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社評 0630 休斯敦華人社區治安亮起紅燈

社評 0630   休斯敦華人社區治安亮起紅燈



今天分別和休斯敦福建同鄉會前唐會長及現任陳怡亮會長談到一位同鄉週一清晨被數名歹徒搶刼。身中六槍,目前尚在醫院搶救昏迷之中, 生命垂危 ,家中妻小正䧟入生活困境之中。

我們決定於明天週六上午八點半在美南電視環球劇塲召開社區緊急會議, 邀請民意代表、 社區領袖、 福建同鄉會會長陳怡亮、 中華總商會會長孫鐵漢等前來參加 ,共同商討如何面對日愈敗坏之華人社區治安。

福建同鄉會陳會長非常沈重地表示, 希望社會各界及市政府伸出援手來整頓非常嚴重之治安, 他呼籲華人社區必須團結對抗犯罪份子, 遠在國內的前任唐會長對於鄉親之遭遇感到十分之悲痛 。

今天在西南區生活及經商之華亞裔同胞, 多年來就是犯罪份子之最大目標, 我們如何加強對付如此敗壞之治安環境, 是大家共同要面對之緊急任務。

Houston Chinese Community Safety Issue Is Very Serious 

Today I was talking to former Fujian Association president Mr. Tang and the current president Mr. Chan about the serious robbing and shooting on Monday midnight in our area. Mr. Zheng from Fujian, China, has been shot six times and he is currently in a coma in the hospital. His life is in danger and his family is hopeless. 

We have decided to hold an emergency community meeting starting tomorrow morning at 8:30 am at our TV studio. We will have government representatives and representative community leaders from the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and the Fujian Association to discuss how we must face the current crisis. 

President Chan from the Fujian Association has urged the police department and community leaders to lend their helping hands to address and solve this very serious public safety issue. We need to call on the community to unite against the criminals. These people are working class and their lives are really in an unsafe situation. 

Today many new immigrants are living in the southwest area of Houston and doing business here.

If the public cannot be protected,

all our lives are in danger and the economy of our community is being severely damaged.