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社評 0331 前總統川普被起訴 美國亂局之開始

社評  0331 前總統川普被起訴 美國亂局之開始

前總統川普被起訴 美國亂局之開始

前總統川普今天被紐約市檢查官提起訴訟, 紐約大陪審團已投票決定起訴他涉嫌在二O一六年競選期間向一名色情女星支付封口費。 曼哈頓地區檢察官提交之其他罪狀,將在幾天內公諸於世, 並要求川普自首並接受傳訊。

川普之私人律師表示,他將從位於佛羅里達州私宅飛往紐約接受傳訊, 對於這位前總統歷史性之被捕,將會帶來政治上之大地震。



我們必須非常遺憾地指出,川普之被起訴, 將是我們這個領導民主之大國一項恥辱 ,再次暴露了政治鬥爭上赤裸裸的一页。 對民主共和兩黨未來之總統爭奪戰剛剛開始。

華府之政治圈是個極其複雜的大雜院, 為了政治權力政客們真是無所不用其極, 二百多年來 ,經過多少人之牺牲奮鬥, 我們建立了一個為全世界許多人響往之民主大國 ,但是如今已經在衰退之中。

即將上演之各種訴訟案, 將揭開許多令人不堪之醜陋事件,實屬國家之不幸。

Former President Trump Is Indicted 

It’s the first time in US history that a current or former president has been indicted. The Manhattan District Attorney’s office has been investigating the former president in connection with his alleged role in an hush money payment scheme and cover up involving adult film star Stormy Daniels that dates back to 2016.

The exact charges are unknown. The district attorney Bragg has been focusing on a felony charge of falsifying business records which carries a maximum prison sentence of four years. 

Trump's indictment brings an historic political earthquake to the already shaky election season in the US. Trump has already entered the 2024 presidential candidate race and is comfortably ahead in all polls. 

We must point out, with great regret, that this indictment really is a shame for our nation. Washington’s political circle has always been an extremely complex courtyard. After more than two hundred years, the sacrifices  and struggles of many people have established a strong democratic political system and established the US as the leading nation of the world. But with this unbelieveable indictment and endless political in-fighting, it all has really suddenly brought our nation down in the eyes of the world.

No matter from what point of view you can think about it, the current political developments in the US have been a sad misfortune for the country.