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社評0325 族裔聯盟組織正在推動之中

社評0325  族裔聯盟組織正在推動之中


國會議員格林領銜之休斯敦族裔社區領袖,今晨繼續召開籌備大會, 就如何組成聯合陣線進行積極之溝通, 我們大家全力參與和支持這𠆤社區組織,共同發揚團結之精神。

我們在此落地生根的數十年中, 這是我們華亞裔社區遭受明顯歧視最嚴重的時期。 這意味著在我們社會中一股反移民之浪潮正在形成中, 這股歪風將會影響到我們以後子子孫孫後代之幸福。

老實說,我們這一代的新移民多半是來此求學定居, 是學有專長或是成功之企業家,對美國社會之貢獻是有目共睹, 而且大半被稱為好公民。

今天美國政治生態已經變了, 看看華府之高官及民意代表, 他們的行徑令人不恥 ,而且大言不惭地要代表我們來治理國政, 一定是天下大亂,永無安寧之日。

The Ethnic Alliance is Being Organized

Leaders of the Houston community led by Congressman Al Green will continue to hold a preparation meeting to actively communicate on how to effectively form a united front. We all fully support this event to jointly carry forward the spirit of unity. 

Over the decades, we all took root in this land. This is the period of time that our ethnic Asian community  has unfortunately suffered the most obvious discrimination, which  plainly means that a wave of anti-immigrants is forming in our society. This growing and unhealthy trend, if unchallenged, will affect many of our generations to come. 

To be honest, most of us of this generation came here to pursue our studies and settle down as professionals in all kinds of businesses. Today, we are considered to be good citizens. 

Today the political ecology of our nation has dramatically and sadly changed. Consider the high-ranking officials and our representatives in the U.S. capitol. They were elected to govern the nation on our behalf, but their recent behavior has become divisive and shameful.