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社評0324 亞裔的光榮

社評0324  亞裔的光榮


再次當選德州福遍郡郡長的亞裔喬治日前在社區中心舉行盛大餐會,歡迎休斯敦地區各國領事外交團, 有來自亞洲、 非洲 、歐洲及拉丁美洲等五十位外交使節代表參加 ,並聽取福遍地區之目的經濟發展及未來之藍圖計劃。

位於休斯敦近郊之福遍郡是全美族裔最多组成之地區, 其所在地之糖城及米蘇里市有近七十萬居民,近年來多次被選為全美最宜於居住之城鎮之一 。由於該地區有眾多受過高等教育之亞裔居民 ,因而創業及高科技人員特別多, 也是造就該地區經濟發達之最大原因。

今天的主人亞裔郡長喬治先生也是來自印度之第一代移民,他本身因勤走基層 ,瞭解市民需求,而且為人和善,才能在眾多候選人中脫穎而出, 第二次當選郡長。

我們對於他的成就表示由衷之支持和敬佩 ,尤其是代表移民之第一代, 也表徵了我們對美國社會之貢獻, 老實說 ,只要我們努力,大多數人仍然是認同我們的成就,那些歧視亞裔之政客仍是少數中之少數。

The Glory of Asian-Americans

KP George who was re-elected as Fort Bend County judge recently held a luncheon at the community center to welcome the Houston Consulate Corp. More than fifty diplomatic envoys from Asia, Africa and Europe attended the event and listened to the blueprint of the region's future.

Ft. Bend County, located near Houston's suburbs is the most ethnic area in the United States with a population of nearly 700,0000 in the Sugarland and Missouri City areas. It has been selected as one of the most livable areas in the nation. 

Nearly twenty percent of the residents are Asian and because they are highly educated and work in the high-tech industry, the region has become one of the most prosperous economic areas in the country.

Our host Judge George is of the first generation of immigrants from India. He is diligent and understands the grassroots of our community. He understands the special needs of the residents in the region, so he was elected easily to a second term as judge.

Mr. Geroge, we are all very proud of you. Your success represents the contributions of our new immigrants to our society. It is only the very few politicians who discriminate against Asians who don’t know about, or do not fully understand, the important value of our diversity.
