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社評 0317 我們正籌劃走進墨西哥之南向政策

社評 0317  我們正籌劃走進墨西哥之南向政策

Juan and Martin Benitez came to visit us


由兩位墨西哥企業及政界領袖代表週三下午前來美南新聞總部推廣說明到墨西哥投資創業之最新近況, 並邀請工商界人士於五月初前往實地考察。

美南國際貿易中心成立迄今已超過二十年, 我們曾經舉辦過無數次之商業盛會及考察行程, 由於疫情逐漸消失, 我們已經策劃今年多次之各國商業考察活動 。

墨西哥是美國之近隣, 從休斯敦駕車可以在五個半小時內抵達墨西哥邊境, 它也是德州最大的貿易伙伴, 有鋻於兩國緊密之關係, 許多企業紛紛南下設厰投資各型企業。

我們希望和墨西哥政府洽談合作成立大型工業開發區, 可以把亞洲許多工商製造業遷移至該國 ,而大部份之市場仍然是美國和加拿大。

這𠆤工業區有許多優點, 其中包括美墨兩國有非常發達之陸鐵路, 一天之內即可到達美加地區。墨西哥仍然有非常廉價之勞工及低廉之土地和建築成本,如果經過政府之協助,可以得到法律之保障, 唯一顧慮的是治安問題, 必須做好嚴緊之防犯工作。

我們非常感謝墨西哥工商領袖人士之邀約, 希望我們此行能為大家打開一條投資之路。

Mexico We Are Coming 

Two Mexican business community leaders, Juan and Martin Benitez came to visit the International Trade Center yesterday and presented to us the latest situation of investment and entrepreneurship in their country and invited us to visit Mexico in early May of this year. 

It has been more than 20 years since the establishment of the ITC. We have held countless business events and many overseas trade missions. 

Mexico is our neighbor. We can drive from Houston and within six hours we  will reach the U.S.-Mexico border. Mexico is the largest trade partner of Texas. Many enterprises from both countries have together set up and invested in various types of enterprises. 

Our goal is to negotiate with the local government to set up an industrial park so that businesses from Asia can move production to Mexico. Mexico still has very cheap labor and low cost of land for business expansion. The only number one concern is the security issue and how to prevent crime in the area. 

We are so grateful for the invitation from the Mexican business leaders. We hope the trade mission will open up new opportunities for all of us at ITC.