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社評 0314 拜登總統出面拯救矽谷銀行

社評 0314 拜登總統出面拯救矽谷銀行


拜登總統今晨發表聲明表示, 美國人民和美國企業可以放心,他們的銀行存款會在他們需要的時候出現 。我堅定承諾要讓那些應該對這塲混亂負責的人承擔全部責任,並繼續努力加强對大型銀行的監督和監管,這樣我們就不會再次䧟入這種境地。

除了矽谷銀行之外, 美國監管金融機構周日也再度控制了第二家簽署銀行服務,以防止溢出效應, 並對未保險存款之公司𠆤人提供支持, 官員們認為這是一個系統性之風險 ,美聯儲和財政部還利用緊急貸款授權建立一個新的融資機制, 以幫助滿足提款需要。

這是2008 年金融危機以來美國銀行規模最大的倒閉事件,政府對每個存款人有25 萬元之保証, 至少存款高於此數字者必須到銀行資產被拍賣後才能分到餘額。

我們樂見政府在最短時期內對這二家銀行進行接管和整頓, 由于矽谷銀行多年來是科技公司和風投之重要參舆者, 其業務遍及全球, 其影響是十分巨大 。

一般認為, 雖然矽谷銀行之倒閉還是在可預控之中, 但是將對一些存有巨款之科技新創企業會面臨現金流短缺困境而破產。

President Biden Assures Us That Our Banking System Is Safe

President Biden assured the nation Monday that, “The banking system is safe,” following the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank last weekend and the closing of the Signature Bank in New York on Sunday. Biden said at the White House that, “Your deposits in the Silicon Valley Bank will be protected." SVB provided banking services to nearly half of the country’s venture capital-backed technology and life science companies that included more than 2,500 venture capital firms. 

Over the past week Silicon Valley Bank was trying to find a buyer, but it failed when the federal government took over and put about $175 billion in customer deposits under the FDIC ‘s control.

President Biden tried to distinguish these moves to prevent more bank runs like those taken during the 2008 financial crisis. Biden said no losses will be borne by the taxpayers, but he also pointed out that the investors in the banks will not be protected. 

This is the time we all hope that the banking problems will be solved soon to help keep our economy strong.