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社評0302 德州前副州長訪問美南集團總部

社評0302 德州前副州長訪問美南集團總部


德州前任副州長杜赫(David Dewhurst)上週前來美南新聞集團總部參觀訪問, 我們對於這位貴賓之來訪表示十分之振奮。

杜赫副州長曾於2003 至2015 年擔任了十二年公職 ,此前也曾任德州土地局局長, 是德州非常資深之政治家。

他此次來訪曾經參觀了美南新聞印報工廠、電視攝影棚、環球第一銀行辦公室及國際貿易中心大樓, 他對於美南集團把媒體 、銀行金融及文化貿易打造於同一平台表示高度讃掦, 也是全美之創舉。

在杜赫擔任徳州副州長期間, 對於促進國際貿易及招商引資也不餘遺力, 並且訪問過世界上許多國家,加強和德州之文化経貿易關係作出了卓越貢獻。

國際貿易中心有鑒於副州長之成就和聲望, 已経聘請他為名譽主席 ,今後來指導我們在國際交流之工作, 他也欣然接受。

目前我們正在籌備於四月底組團前往墨西哥考察當地之投資狀況, 並將拜會墨國官員商討如何加強美墨雙方之貿易投資交流。

Former Lieutenant Governor Visits Southern News Group Headquarters

Recently, David Dewhurst, former Lieutenant Governor of Texas, visited the headquarters of Southern News Group. We were very honored and excited about the visit of this distinguished guest.

Mr. Dewhurst held the office from 2003 until 2015. Previously, he also served as Texas Land Commissioner.

During his visit, we showed him our printing shop, TV studio and our newly formed Global One Bank’s office and our International Trade Center. Mr. Dewhurst had high praise for our creation of media, bank and trade center services in the same location. This compressed platform of diverse activities will serve our community very efficiently in the coming years 

During his tenure as Lieutenant Governor, Mr. Dewhurst promoted international trade between Texas and the world and strengthend many relationships with many countries around the globe.

We also were very happy to invite Mr. Dewhurst to serve as the Honorary Chairman of our International Trade Center to help guide our future plans.

At the present time, we are preparing to organize a trade mission to Mexico at the end of April and meet with Mexican officials to discuss future investment opportunities and create an industrial zone in Mexico.