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社評 0228 朱沛國堂春宴之感想

社評 0228 朱沛國堂春宴之感想


週日晚上參加了休斯敦朱沛國堂之春宴大會, 近四百位中外賓客集聚一堂, 在鑼鼓聲中之舞獅打開了序幕。 美食和歡樂氣氛中, 更顕現了華人在美國社會仍然存在的文化底藴 ,心中也掀起無限之感慨。

近百年前 ,朱氏兄弟從父執輩就遷居到德州聖安東尼市, 但是由于上一代對子女教育之重視,他們之中不但讀了大學 ,而且不乏之名牌的萊斯大學, 學成後都在各行各業有非常卓越之表現。

當晚參加朱氏春宴的有許多主流社會之政商名流, 包括大學教授、 法官、 國會議員、 市議員、 外交使節, 大家在非常悅愉之春宴席上品嗜美食, 並為舞獅送上紅包, 許多老外更穿上旗袍, 顕出了濃濃的中國味。

最近徳州參議員正在考慮提出反對華裔在德州購票土地之法案 ,這簡直是無比荒唐之事, 席間我曾就此事請教了白人賓客, 他們也覺得不可思議 ,今晚我參加了這個非常有華人風格之春宴 ,他們之中多半已經是美國人, 但是確不忘記自己的根, 這真是太难得和可愛了。

 Gee Family Spring Dinner

On Sunday night, my wife and I (her last name Is Gee) participated in the Gee’s family dinner. Nearly 400 family members and guests gathered together. The lion dance and the sound of gongs and drums kicked off the atmosphere of food and joy. The cultural background that still existed in American society was also aroused with infinite signs of joy in their hearts.

Nearly one hundred years ago, the Gee family was the first group that  moved to San Antonio, Texas. Their parents gave them a good education and later they became very successful in many fields.

There were many politicians and business people from the mainstream society who attended the banquet that night, including university professors, judges, a congresswoman, city councilman and diplomats. Everyone tasted delicious Chinese food and gave red envelopes to the lion dancers.

Recently, the Texas Senate has been considering a bill to ban Chinese from buying Texas land. This is simply ridiculous. Tonight of the people who attended the party, most of them are citizens, but they never forget their roots and being Chinese Americans