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社評 0213 我們的怒火在繼續燃燒之中

社評 0213  我們的怒火在繼續燃燒之中



為了抵制德州參議院提出中國公民不可購買土地案, 華人社區在羅玲女士之組織號召下, 週六上午數百位華亞裔人士結集在休斯敦中國城黃金廣場前, 舉行示威遊行 並得到休斯敦地區三位國會众議員, 市長特納之熱烈支持, 他們在大會上指責共和黨提出之惡法, 將是德州之不幸, 在大會上甚至有人灑淚會塲, 令人動容 。這也是我們首次有如此龎大之隊伍,在百利大道上遊行發出我們的怒吼。

但是我們在此熱血沸騰之時刻過後, 我們更要思考今後如何以實力說話, 我們的建議還是從選票和鈔票下功夫, 美國政客們是否當選也決定於這兩個因素, 首先我們社區已經有選民委員會及一些政治團體, 我們一定要以捐款及實際參與來表達我們支持之行動, 我們更要學習猶他人,在美國是如何參政之途徑 ,有錢出錢 ,有力出力。

今天華裔在美國社會之處境將愈趨嚴峻, 主要是中美兩大強權之矛盾是難予化解, 華府政壇反華氛圍日愈激烈, 令人擔憂。

我們在美國之華裔同胞 ,大家唯有團結起來, 堅決反對一切反對華裔之法案,請千萬記住: 我們手中之選票和捐款 ,才是真正的力量。

 Our Anger ContinuesTo Burn

In order to protest the Texas Senate’s proposed bill that would ban Chinese citizens from buying land in Texas, the Chinese community led by Ms. Lou Ling and many other leaders gathered last Saturday in front of the HMart grocery store in Chinatown. Hundreds of Chinese Americans marched down Bellaire Blvd. carrying signs of protest. Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner and three congressmen and a congresswoman were among the crowd of supporters saying that this evil bill should be overthrown, while some of the speakers were even openly shedding tears. The emotions were running very deep and it was all very touching. This was also the first time we have ever had such a large group of Chinese Americans marching in our community.

But after this hot- blooded moment, we should now think very carefully about how we can best help our people fight against this unfair law.
We really suggest two very important things: votes and money. We need to realize that all of the politicians depend on votes and donations to be elected. We must have a very strong organization to educate our people to let them know that unless we participate and take action, we will be out of the process and this bill will pass.

Today the relations between the United States and China face big challenges. The anti-China atmosphere in Washington politics is becoming more and more fierce and this is very worrying for all of us.

We as Chinese American citizens in this country need to get organized and united to fight for our constitutional rights. We must fight for justice today and for the future of our children tomorrow!