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社評1216 參院通過在政府手機上禁止使用抖音

社評1216  參院通過在政府手機上禁止使用抖音


美國參議院昨天全院通過禁止官員在政府使团之手機及電子平台上下載或使用抖音 ,這項法案必須在眾院通過總統簽署後才會生效,此法案曾經在參院通過從未送交眾議院。

截至目前統計, 全美人口每四人就有一人使用英文版的抖音, 尤其是三十歲以下之年輕人, 抖音已經成為他們生活娛樂非常重要的一部份。

參院通過之禁令法案目前只針對政府機關使用之手機和電子設備 ,但是這充分說明美國對中國可能帶來之安全顧慮已經再次升高, 這將悪化兩國人民之交流。

社郡媒體近年來已成為全世界媒體之主流, 逐漸代替了以往主流傳媒之趨勢 ,其猛勇之勢是無法阻擋。

馬斯克入主推特以來, 大量裁減人員, 坊間曽流傳說, 馬斯克告訴他的清理工人說,你以後的工作己経被機器人取代。

社會環境在變 生活方式在變, 科技將取代更多之傳統工作, 人們要求更快更多之資訊 ,在並尋求更大更廣之交流頻台 ,抖音就是個非常有趣明顯的實例。

我們奉勸國會諸公 ,請你不要違背選民之意願把抖音給禁了, 這絕對會影響你的競選連任。

U.S. Lawmakers Are Trying To Ban TikTok


The U.S. Senate unanimously approved a bill that would ban the widely popular social media app TikTok from devices issued by federal agencies.


The video app owned by the Chinese company ByteDance has risen to wide popularity since 2016. Its widespread usage across the nation has alarmed the federal government on security issues.


But while legislators are working on limiting the use of TikTok, it is very difficult to get users to stop using the app.


The social environment today is changing very rapidly. The lifestyles of people also have changed. People are asking for faster and more information and also want more online platforms to get to know more people. TikTok is a very successful app that one out of every four people in America is using.


We don’t want the government to totally ban TikTok, but we also advise elected officials to not vote against it. Otherwise, the people will vote against them.