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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

社評1031 華亞裔選民請您站出來

社評1031  華亞裔選民請您站出來



當美國期中選舉正在如火如荼之展開 一群熱衷於參加投票之華亞裔選民 週六召集首次集會 正式宣告成立亞裔選舉聯盟 我們大家共同為此聯盟之誕生表示由衷之祝賀

這個由楊德清 楊萬青 黃登陸 Kevin 楊等共同倡議之組織得到社區非常大之反響 成立大會當天邀請了哈里斯郡選務辦公室黃思賢小姐主講選務近況 並邀了陳灼剛 丰建偉 徐建勳陳珂等社區領袖到場講說 他們從不同角度分析當前華亞裔選民參政投票之重要性

老實說 今天在美國的華亞裔人士二十年之情況已經大不相同 況且我們也因為世界局勢之變化而使我們在美國社會之處境變得更加艱難 過去自掃門前雪之時代已經過去 我們必須團結起來 以選票來表達我們的政見

根據官方紀錄顯示 哈里斯郡登記之華裔選民只有四萬六千人 這個數字簡直令人不敢置信 我們當急之務必須做選民重新登記

選票和鈔票是決定選舉之兩大因素 我們寄望亞裔選舉聯盟任重道遠 為我們爭取權益

Asian American Voters, We Need To Stand Up

With the midterm election in full swing, a group of Asian American leaders called a meeting to officially organize the Asian Voters Alliance. We all expressed our heartfelt congratulations on their success.

At the meeting, they invited Harris County election officials and many community leaders to make speeches, and most of them believe that it is very important for the Asian community to participate in politics this year, and strongly encouraged them to go out and vote.

According to the records in Harris County, only 46,000 Chinese Americans are registered voters in the county. This number is just too low. We really need to set our priorities and get more of our people registered to vote.

Votes and money are the two most important driving forces in politics. We need to go out and vote as well as support your candidates with donations.

Today our community is facing more challenges than ever before. Unless we go out and vote, we otherwise will just be ignored by the political process.