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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

社評 1026 我們支持李中原律師參選州議員

社評 1026  我們支持李中原律師參選州議員



一群熱心之華亞裔選民昨晚聚集在中國城為李中原律師助選 情況熱烈是近年來所罕見

李律師年轻有為 執業律師已有十多年之歷史 他不但是我們公司之法律顧問 而且経常上電視主持節目 為大家解答疑難雜症 早己是一位媒體聞人了

李律師此次競選選區是在福邊郡糖城附近 該選區有許多亞裔及拉丁裔居民 他們是主要之選票來源 包括福邊郡長也是亞裔喬治擔任多年 是亞裔選民之重鎮

今天我們要在美國社會取得發言權 必須有代表參加政治上之運作 諸如市議員 州代表 國會議員等職位才能為我們發聲和爭取權益

我們呼籲大家趕快去參加投票 投票所已經在我們家門口 尤其是要支持華亞裔候選人 能讓他們登上政壇為大家服務

We Support Daniel Lee For State Representative

A group of enthusiastic Asian voters gathered in Houston’s Chinatown last night to support Daniel Lee’s run for Texas State Representative.

Daniel has been a very outstanding lawyer for more than fifteen years. He is not only the legal advisor for our company, he also has hosted a TV show for us and answers all the questions for our audience. He is also a very famous TV host now.

Daniel Lee is running in the Ft. Bend County, City of Sugar Land area where we have a lot of the older Asian population, including our county judge, Mr George, who is Asian American.

Today we urge all our people to go out and vote at the booth just next to our community at the Chinese Civic Center. We especially need to support the Asian American candidates.