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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

社評1020 黃頁電話簿正式發行

社評1020  黃頁電話簿正式發行


百年來華人移居美國在此艱辛創業落地生根, 這段歷史成為我們共同之記憶

美南傳媒在過去數十年之茁壯成長 打造了為全美亞裔服務之新聞傳播网 其中以黃頁電話簿是主要之媒體產品之一

今天我們正處於世界局勢動盪後疫情時期之不安時刻 全美各地中小企業遭遇嚴峻困境 我們仍然期盼大家守望相助 同舟共濟 共度難關

這本黃頁之出版 代表了我們社區各行各業繼續壯大和存在 更顯示我們在経濟上之實力

New Yellow Pages Sets Another Milestone

More than one hundred years ago when the Chinese immigrants continued to come to America looking for a better future, they wrote the history and marked a new chapter for all of us.

Southern News Group today continues to publish the 2023 Chinese Yellow Pages in many major cities in the nation, not just to provide an important service to our communities, but it also proves that we are an active part of this great country.

Even though we are in the middle of a world in turmoil and domestic chaos, many newcomers still come here. Most of them are trying to start a new small business.

Today our Yellow Pages has become one of the most important information sources for them.

We are so proud that we still partner with them and continue to provide the most complete and latest information to our community.

We sincerely want to send our very deepest appreciation to all of our supporters.