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社評 1012 亞洲多地放鬆觀光救經濟

社評 1012  亞洲多地放鬆觀光救經濟



經過兩年半來對疫情之嚴控之後 許多亞洲地區開始實施開放政策來挽救不振之觀光經濟

香港政府自本週起將取消來港人士強制酒店隔離之要求 日本政府更將從今天起全面開放遊客入境 唯有中國大陸仍然執行清零政策 入境者仍然要有在酒店隔離七天之要求

早在二零二零年初新冠疫情席捲全球時各國紛紛關閉邊境大多數地區不允許非居民入境 造成巨大之経濟損失和人員死亡 尤其是日本和香港更錯失了許多召開大型國際會議之機會

雖然新冠疫情並未全面消失 但是住院和死亡人數卻在下降 世衛組織也認為新冠大流行的結束己近在眼前

在疫情猖獗期間 香港是管控最嚴厲之地區 曾經一度要求入境者進行二十一天之強制隔離 目前只要求遊客在入境後几天內做核酸檢測同時進行家居監測


老實說 這二年多來 對全球居民而言 是身體和和心理之重大打擊 但願平安日子早日來到

Asian Cities Open Up For Tourists

After almost three years of pandemic control, most Asian cities have started to open their borders again to catch up with recovering the economy.

The governor of Hong Kong said that it would abandon mandatory hotel quarantines for people coming into the city. Japan also dropped its daily limit on arrivals and moved to opening of the doors to tourists starting today.

But China still clings to its zero Covid-19 policy. People entering the country still need to face 10 days of hotel quarantine.

When the pandemic swept across the world in early 2020, most countries shut down their borders. It hurt their economies, especially the tourist business.

Business communities have increasingly pressured their governments to open the door in order to rescue their economies.

Over the last three years, Japan and Hong Kong have missed out on hosting many major international meetings.

The World Health Organization believes the end of the pandemic is in sight.

With the borders being restricted for so long, tourism has been slow to come back in much of the region. We all hope the bright days will be coming back soon.