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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

社評0923 紐約檢察長向川普家族發難

社評0923  紐約檢察長向川普家族發難



紐約州檢察總長詹士週三對川普家族提起訴訟,挑戰川普多年來之富貴人家之形象。.在起訴書中詹士檢察長指空該家族是以欺騙和虛報財產而歛財登上富人保座。正當國會對前總統川普之犯罪調查加上此次詐騙指控, 將使川普王朝遭到極大之破壞和挑戰。在這份二百一十四頁之起訴書中, 明確指控川普虛報自己的財產 ,他曾在當年之總統競選時大誇自己是成功富商,國家需要我這樣成功的商人。

起訴書中同時把川普三名子女一同起訴她們都是詐騙之共犯,並明列川普家族如何利用謊報之財務報表向銀行借款。這塲對川普家族之攻防戰 ,正逢共和民主兩黨未來政治版圖之激烈抗爭, 對民主黨而言, 一定要把前總統打成罪犯, 让他無法參選 ,而共和黨之川粉也決不會罷休。此一時,彼一時, 前總統當年之威風行象 正被踐踏在地下, 川普之命運實難預料。

 New York Attorney General Sues Trump


New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a civil lawsuit on Wednesday alleging that the Trump Organization’s persistent fraud devastates former President Trump’s billionaire image.


The AG also said that not only has Trump been accused of lying about his wealth and business success, but the considerable wealth he has achieved has also been acquired by cheating banks and insurance companies.


Referring to her 214-page complaint, the AG said that, “All pages show decades of inflated real estate values that were employed to fabricate a facade that Trump was an enormously successful businessman.”


During the last presidential election, Trump said, “I am proud of my net worth. I’ve done an amazing job. We need a leader that wrote, ‘The Art Of The Deal.’ ”


As a matter of fact, Trump reported a loss of $1 billion dollars from 1985 to 1994.


James not only has sued Donald Trump, but also Trump’s sons, Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, as well as Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, and Allen Weisselberg. All are accused of engaging in a criminal conspiracy to defraud banks and inflate Trump’s net worth.


This offensive and defensive battle against the Trump family is related to the future of the Republican Party. Is it even possible that Trump can still be a candidate in 2024?