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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹





九月二十日星期二是全美投票日宣傳活動, 休斯顿電視台及紀事報, 美南日報聯合婦女投票聯盟,共同宣掦市民們登記投票, 並且有數十位志願者,在許多登記地點指導大家如何登記投票。全美各地十一月份,期中選最後登記日是十月十一日, 並且可以從十月二十四日到十一月四日預先投票, 真正之大選日是十一月八日星期二。全國投票日宣傳活動自二O一二年舉辦以來,已經有四百七十萬人登記, 這項由婦女選民聯盟,發起之群眾活動,是一個非黨派之行動,旨在呼籲大家前往踴躍登記為選民。我們更要在此大聲疾呼,華亞裔同胞一定要去登記, 完成美國公民之權利和義務。十一月份之期中選舉,將是非常關𨫡性之選舉 ,民主共和兩黨在國會參眾議院,將有一塲激烈競爭, 鹿死誰手尚難預料, 我們今天成了關鍵性之少數 ,可能是決定勝負之票源。美南日報及美南電視,竭誠為大家提供服務, 請致電:281-498-4320 查詢

We Support National Voter Registration Day


The 2022 National Voter Registration Day is Tuesday, September 20th. KPRC TV, the Houston  Chronicle and Southern Chinese Daily are partners with the League Of Women Voters of Houston to get voters to register at locations all over the city. The LWV-Houston had more than 35 volunteers helping the people fill out the form or link to QR codes.


The last day to register to vote in Texas for the November election is October 11, 2022. Early voting in Texas begins on October 24th and ends on November 4th. Election Day is Tuesday, November 8th.


National Voter Registration Day is a nonpartisan holiday celebrating our democracy. Since 2012 to the date, nearly 4.7 million voters have registered to vote on the holiday.


We are here to urge all our people to go register and go to vote. This is our right as well as our responsibility.


In the coming election it is very important for our nation’s future. We are currently facing many serious challenges with many issues and we need to have new leaders to lead us to a brighter future.


Our SNG office line is open for any questions you may have. The number is 281-498-4310.