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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

社評 0805 程伯總監榮退

社評 0805 程伯總監榮退


上週四在休斯敦國際區的例行委員會議中是服務七年多的委員的艾理芙學區總程伯最後一次參加委員會 也是他宣佈從服務三十七年的教育崗位上退休

近十年來 程伯總監出任艾里艾學區掌門人並且把學區重艱難困境中重建成為一個耀眼的學區 在他的領導下曾經兩次發行學區公債 大興土木 分別加蓋多棟校舍及巨型職業技術訓練中心 為學區之職業訓練建立了完整課程和制度

休斯敦國際區成立近二十年來 委員會組成之份子主要來自商界 教育及社區領袖 我們在促進社區経濟繁榮 發展文化教育及改善治安是我們三大主要任務 尤其是學區總監程伯之參與 做出了非常重大之貢獻

程伯在教育事業上奉獻了三十七個年頭 他曾經擔任體育教練 一直到七年前出任學區總監由于他出眾之領導力 把學區之地位大大提高近年來 並且創辦了雙語學校 教授中文及越文

在上週四舉辦的歡迎會上 我代表全體委員贈送了一個「功在社區」之紀念匾額 感謝他多年來對教育事業之奉獻

國際區成立迄今 在各界人士之熱心支持下 獲得長足之進步 正有許多來自東西兩岸之居民不斷湧入 百利大道上呈現繁榮景象 商業地產也不斷上漲 成為休斯敦一個経濟模範區


H.D. Chambers, Thank You For Your Service

Last Thursday at the monthly meeting of the Houston International District, our board member, Mr. H.D. Chambers, who has served on the board for the past several years, announced his retirement after thirty-seven years of service at his education post.

H.D. has served as superintendent with a career of thirty-seven years in Texas public education. Prior to taking on the leadership role as the superintendent of the Alief School District, in the spring of 2011, he also served as superintendent for the Stafford School District.

H.D. has created a meaningful and useful opportunity for educators to prepare students for higher education, the workforce and the armed services.

In the last twenty years since the establishment of the Houston International District, our board members have come from business, education and local community leaders. The district has made great contributions to promoting the economic prosperity of the local community while developing the culture and improving the public safety. At the farewell party for H.D., we presented him with a plaque of appreciation and expressed our heartfelt thanks for his service to our community.

In the last twenty years we have had support from people representing all walks of life. Many newcomers are still coming to our area to start their new lives. We always open our arms to welcome all of them. This is a great nation which will continue to benefit from all the newcomers.

Mr. H.D. Chambers, we all wish you well and much joy in your retirement life.