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社評0606 富豪看衰美國經濟

社評0606 富豪看衰美國經濟


美國首富特斯拉老闆馬斯克警告 未來全球経濟情況悲觀 他在一封給高級主管之信中要求他們裁減十分之一的員工 並指示全球凍結公司之顧用員工計劃 大通銀行總裁也同時警訊一陣強烈颶風可能席捲美國未來的経濟

拜登總統上週召集財政部長葉倫及央行總裁鮑爾在白宮商討當前經濟形勢 五月份全美增加了三十九萬工作機會 但是通貨膨脹仍然高居不下

預計中央儲備銀行將會繼續以每月把利率調高百分之零點五之速度來抑制通貨膨脹 一直到能控制在百分之二的情況下 但是這項行動很可能又導至経濟之衰退

今天我們應該非常淸楚 為何造成経濟之混亂 人民痛苦不堪 百物價格上漲 應該從多方面來分析其原因 首先是三年前發生的新冠病毒 橫掃全球造成重大傷亡 至今仍然是「哀鴻遍地」許多國家及地區還在掙扎之中

由于中美兩國關係之惡化 全球化體系正在崩塌之中 稱為世界工廠的中國大陸正在遭受外界之壓力 欲把工廠遷出中國 但是過去二十多年來 中國製造之產品已経佔據之全球多半之市塲 就如美國大小商塲 百分之九十之產品來自中國大陸 如今要遷至他國 又談何容易

俄烏之戰 始未料及已過百日之久 在美國及其他國家支持之下 烏克蘭奮起抵抗 但如此數百萬人流落他方 國內設施被毀 美國全面封鎖俄羅斯 造成國際情勢大亂 目前看來 要把俄羅斯瓦解也非易事

以上種種原因是造成拜登總統面臨之國內外難題 我們奉勸総統必須謹慎處理 不但有系於期中選舉更是千千萬萬人民之福祉所在

Elon Musk’s “Super Bad Feeling”

Tesla CEO Elon Musk warned of his “super bad feeling” about the economy saying his auto company Tesla is expected to trim about 10% of all jobs and ask his executives to pause all hiring worldwide.

This comment also echoes the remarks from Chase Bank president Jamie Dimon who cautioned of a “hurricane bearing down on the U.S. economy and a weaker outlook report.”

Last week President Biden met in the White House with Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell and U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to talk about the current economy. In May alone the nation added 300,000 more jobs, but inflation still remained high. It is expected that the central bank will continue to curb inflation by raising the interest rate 0.5 percent every month until inflation can be controlled under 2%. But this action is likely to lead to a recession for the economy.

Today we should have a very clear idea why we have the current economic chaos which is causing people to suffer. First of all, Covid-19 that occurred three years ago swept the world and caused major casualties. To this day, so far, many countries and regions are still struggling.

Due to the deterioration of the relationship between the U.S. and China, the global international supply system is collapsing. China, known as the world’s factory, is under great pressure. Many factories have moved out of China, but over the last several decades, products made in China have occupied most of the world’s market. If the factories continue to move out of China, there will be great difficulties to produce those products somewhere else easily.

The war between Russia and Ukraine has been going on for more than one hundred days now. Because of the complete blockade by the United States and the allies, the normal supply chain has been greatly interrupted.

The above mentioned critical issues are being faced by President Biden on both the domestic and international fronts. If he cannot solve the problems, it will not only just be related to the midterm election, but also will have serious consequences to the future of our country.