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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0524

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0524

藍光裕夫婦遇害 導出華人處境之不幸

2018 年元月十七日發生在休斯敦北區藍光裕夫婦被三名黑人男子殺害事件, 至今已經過去了四年之久, 至今檢察機關及法院將再度開庭審理,真是令人痛心,更顯示司法對此兇殺案之延宕和不公。

出生在老撾的藍光裕和來自台灣的太太, 年青時就到了美國求學 ,在夫婦兩人之艱苦奮鬥下 ,曾擁有多家賽百味三明治店及土地房產, 可說是華人在美國成功人士之表率, 就在她們事業鼎盛家庭幸福美滿之時光, 確遭到歹徒之殺害 ,不但刧財, 更把這對善良夫婦痛下毒手。

雖然事隔數年之久, 我們要在此呼籲司法單位要還藍家一個正義和公道 ,我們更要求華人社區人士一定要站出來, 為了我們共同之利益發聲。

藍先生之長子陸察在接受访冋時說, 他會把父母奮鬥精神和美德傳承下去。

老實說 ,我們大家來到異國他鄉 ,每個人都有不同之故事, 我們多半是靠一雙勤勞刻苦的手來打拼, 決非不勞而獲, 不幸的是, 美國世風日下, 游手好閒之徒不斷增加, 治安日愈敗坏。

我們也要提醒大家要加強防範意識和措施, 大家發揮守望相助之精神。

The Murder Of Bao And Jenny Lan             Led To The Misfortune Of A Chinese Immigrant                                                                                                                                                                                                       

It has been four years since Mr. and Mrs. Bao Lan were killed by three young black men in north Houston on January 17, 2018. So far, it is really sad that the prosecution and court are still waiting to go to trial. It also shows the delay and injustice of the homicide and also the judiciary.

Bao Lan who was born in Laos was married to his wife who came from Taiwan. Both of them came to America as young teenagers and were students. Through their hard work they owned many Subway sandwich shops and real estate. They were the model of success in America. It was sad that they were needlessly killed by gangsters who only wanted to rob them of their money.

Although it has been several years, justice still has not been served yet. We want to urge our community leaders to stand up and speak out for the Lan family.

Richard, Mr. Lan’s son, said in an interview that he would continue for his parents with a strong spirit and continue the struggle to fight for the family legacy.

To be honest, most of us came from different countries. Everyone has a story. We all worked hard to settle down in this land. Unfortunately, our nation now faces many public security problems that are even getting worse.

We should also remind everyone to strengthen crime prevention awareness measures and to help each other.

We want to send our deepest condolences to the Lan family. Again, we are all with you in the fight for our justice.