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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0519

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0519



休斯敦越華超市創辦人孫偉根昨晚在「宗教間事工組織」為難民募款的餐會上講述了他們家族多年來在美國奮鬥成功的故事, 使在塲人士十分動容。

這位出生在越南西貢的華裔,於一九七五年年僅十六歲隻身前往法國,開始學習當地語言 自立更生成為電腦工程師, 隨後又移居美國和父母及五位姐妹相聚。在休斯敦創辦越華超市, 經過數十年之艱苦奮鬥 如今越華之事業已走向輝煌之大道, 最難得可貴的是 他們家族樂善好施, 對社區之慈善工作有著巨大之奉獻。

今天我們來自世界各地的移民 不論大家因逃難、 求學 省親各種理由來到美國, 每個人都有一個故事, 那就是大家都必須從頭開始來適應不同之文化, 在這塊陌生的土地上落葉生根。

在莊家玲女士之全力奔走下 我們昨晚看見了眾多的華亞裔熱心人士, 他們分別解囊為新的難民送上溫暖。

美國是個移民組成的年青國家, 正因為我們能接納來自世界各地之新移民, 多少人懐著追求前途之夢想, 在短短二百多年把美國建造為世界強國 無可否認 這些成就都是新舊移民前仆後繼奮鬥之成果。

飲水思源, 我們對於這塊土地給予之機會, 不但應該铭記在心, 也更應以行動來回饋社會, 幫助弱勢和苦難之難民。

多年來, 「休斯敦宗教間事工組織」在社區人士之努力下 不斷為新難民提供衣食住行及協助進入職塲的工作, 尤其是最近將有大批烏克蘭難民已經到達美國 経過艱難之戰亂,他們渴望新的生活。

人間相互之關懷是最高的情操 請看看你自己的週邊是否有需要相助的人, 我們一定要伸出援手, 大家共創一個美好和諧的社會。

History Of The Struggles Of American Refugees

A Success Story Of The Vican Sun Family

Vican Sun, founder of the Viet Hoa supermarket, told the story of his family’s successful struggle in the United States for many years at the “Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston” meeting to raise funds for refugees last night which moved everyone.

Vican was born in Saigon, Vietnam. He went to France alone at the age 16. When Vietnam fell in 1975, he started to learn the local language and worked at the same time. He became a computer engineer and got a job traveling around the world, including China. Many years later, he moved to America to be reunited with his parents and five sisters. The family established the Viet Hoa market in 1982. After many years of hard  work, Viet Hao became the largest Asian market in the area. The Sun family was not only successful in their business, but most important is that they have a great dedication to the charity work in the local community.

Today our immigrant community is from all over the world. Everyone has their own story. We all need to adapt to a different culture from scratch and take root in a strange land.

We are so glad our community leader Charlene Chaung has led the effort to organize the Asian Community with enthusiastic people who send the warmest regards to all the new refugees.

Our country is a young country composed of immigrants who came to this land to pursue new dreams. Many of them are so successful in their different fields of work. This is the time we need to give back to help these newcomers.

Over the years, the Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston has continuously provided food, clothing, housing, transportation and job training for new refugees, and especially now, as a large number of Ukrainians have arrived in the United States.

Mutual caring for others in the world is the highest sentiment. Please check and see if there are any people around you who need help. We must do our best to lend a helping hand and create a harmonious community together.