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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0413

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0413


週二上午八點半在紐約布碌崙日落公園地下鐵再傳恐怖槍聲 ,名身穿背心的黑人,在車內放煙霧彈, 並接着向乘客開槍至少有十人中彈, 十六人受傷

根據警方報告 當列車進站之後, 乘客急忙逃出車廂, 車內陣陣尖叫, 受傷乘客坐在地上滿身是血, 等待救援.

令人難予置信的是地鐵的攝相頭竟然無法運作 目擊者說是一名身高約五呎五吋穿著工人服裝約有一百八十磅的黑人 由于缺乏影像 警方的搜尋工作增加困難


目前警方已在附近找到一輛出租貨車車中無人 也不知是否和兇手有關

紐約地鐵之兇殘事件層出不窮 去年一年就有數百起 可謂是全美最不安全的地方 由于警方執法不力 流浪漢 醉鬼到處夜宿車內因而成為犯罪的溫床

居住在大紐約市的居民 地鐵是他們生活重要的一部份 更是許多人唯一之交通工具每天都得擠上沙丁魚式的列車中求生存

我們要再次提醒大家 在搭乘地鐵時要加倍小心 更要隨時提防週邊的人 以防不策

美國槍支氾濫人人有槍 槍擊案件每天都在上演 對我們老百姓而言只有自求多福了

Another Shooting In The New York City Subway System

A gunman opened fire in the New York City subway system on Tuesday morning in Brooklyn. At least ten people were shot and dozens were injured. Thirteen people were being treated for smoke inhalation from a smoke bomb.

New York Police Commissioner Sewell said at a news conference that, “We are truly fortunate that this was not significantly worse than it is.”

Authorities located a U-Haul in Brooklyn late Tuesday after a key to the vehicle was found at the scene of the shooting. Police said a 9mm semi-automatic handgun was recovered.

It’s hard to believe that the cameras in the subway system didn’t work. Due to the lack of photos, the police work of searching for the suspect is just made that more difficult. 

New York Mayor Adams who is quarantined due to Covid -19 said that we will do our best to catch the suspect. President Biden who was visiting in Iowa expressed his condolences to the injured after learning about the shooting.

We are so sorry for those people who live in the New York City area. The subway train is very important and the only means of transportation for most of them. They have to squeeze into the trains like sardines every day just to survive.

We would like to remind everyone again to be more careful when riding the subway and to beware of the people around you.

Guns are rampant in the United States. Everyone seems to have a gun and shooting cases happen every day. For us as ordinary people, we can only pray to be blessed.