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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0401

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0401


拜登總統週二在白宮接待來訪的亞洲東盟第一個國家元首新加坡總理李顯龍 在會後發表之共同聲明中 承諾繼續深化兩國之間的戰略夥伴關係 並強調保持印太地區穩定及南中國海之航行自由

拜登在會上表示 儘管美國忙於對付烏克蘭危機 但華府同也將印太事務視作優先事項 美新兩國之正式公告並對提及中國 但是美國目前在亞太及世界事務上最關心之事也就是中國大陸

新加坡彈丸小國我曾经到訪數次 最早是一九九一年世界華商大會在新加坡舉行 我們在熱暑中在總統府參觀招待會 由當時的總統黃金全主持 大家都是華人 一起都說華語十分親切

多年來 生活在當地居民大多數是來自福建廣東的華裔後代 他們吃苦耐勞 創造了新加坡奇蹟 建國初期在英國人之統治後取得獨立 国父李光耀以專治式之民主把這個島國治理得非常成功 他同時和大陸及台灣保持良好關係 並極力促成兩岸之和平谈判

今天世界更加複雜 現任總理李顯龍不但繼承了父業 他更是在中美兩大國之間 左右缝源 希望有美軍之駐守 也絕不放棄和中國大陸深厚的族源關係 這條帶是拆不散的情感

我們多次聆聽李总理之華語演講 引用中國古語經典 是位熱愛華夏文化的政治人物 他更有很高的智慧 在各大強權之間 谋生存 求發展

The Winston Churchill Of Singapore Prime Minister Lee

Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong met with U.S. President Biden to discuss Indo-Pacific security, the Ukraine war and investments between the countries at the White House on Tuesday.

In a statement, President Biden said that all nations, regardless of their size or population, are equal in their rights on the world stage.

Prime Minister Lee also pointed out that, “the U.S. has played an important and constructive role in the Asia-Pacific region for more than 80 years and Singapore has consistently supported a strong U.S. presence in the region through our words and actions.”

I have visited Singapore several times. Most recently, we attended the World Chinese Business Conference there in 1991. The reception was hosted by the President of Singapore in the presidential palace in the hot summertime. All the attendees were Chinese.

Since Singapore became an independent nation, most of the local residents are descendants of Chinese from Guangdong Fujian province in China. They worked hard and created the miracle of Singapore. Lee Kuan Yew, the founding father of the nation, ruled the island with democracy exclusively. He maintained good relations with mainland China and Taiwan at the same time and tried to promote cross-strait peace and negotiation. His son, a current premier under Minister Lee, inherited his father’s legacy. We have listened to his speeches many times in Mandarin and he quoted many ancient Chinese classics. He is a politician and loves Chinese culture. He is also very intelligent and seeks survival and shared development and progress among the major powers.