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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0331

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0331


週一晚間在奧斯卡頒奬典禮上最佳男主角獲奬人威爾斯密史因不滿主持人克里斯洛克向他的妻子開玩笑 他上台賞了主持人一記耳光 主辦單位除了發表譴責外並已展開調查

斯密史在一項聲明中表示我深感羞愧這並不該是我日常為人的表現 不過他的這一巴掌確實是震驚世界 而且是非常不良的示範

主持人克里斯洛克在他主持的大型晚會上可說是劣迹斑斑,並曾對亞裔做過許多侮辱性之攻擊言論 他這次再以刻薄語言攻擊謿笑他人 已経不是第一次

據有關人士透露 事發現場本來主辦單位想要斯密史離開 但由于考慮到會引起不必要的騷動 而且馬上要頒發最佳男主角奬他是非常熱門之候選人 果然他被選中而且還上台領獎


電影電視體育界創造了無數的明星 他們收入豐厚 生活奢華 出入名車美女 是社會上另類族群 許多明星不但做出令人咂舌的動作更是社會最的示範

Hollywood Slap Is The Worst Example

At The 94th Academy Awards Oscars ceremony on Monday night the winner of the best actor award, Will Smith, became upset with host Chris Rock when Rock joked about Smith’s wife. Smith walked up on the sage and openly slapped Rock on the face as he was making an award presentation.

Later Smith said in a statement that he was deeply ashamed for his action that should not be any part of his daily behavior. But his slap has indeed shocked the world and Smith has set a very bad example.

This is not new or the first time Chris Rock has said many insulting jokes about people, including past attacks on Asian Americans.

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the organization that hosts the Oscars ceremony, said in a statement that they have officially started a formal review around the incident and will explore further action and consequences in accordance their organization’s bylaws, standards of conduct and California law.

The incident really overshadowed the awards ceremony. Many comedians who tell jokes for a living have raised concerns about the precedent Smith has now set.

The movies, films and sports industries have created countless stars. They make huge incomes and live luxurious lifestyles. They are a very elite and different group from the rest of us. They really need to set better examples and be more positive role models for our younger generation. We don’t ever want this incident to happen again.