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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/28

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/28



隨著聖誕新年大假的到來 美國全國正面臨防疫大作戰 這㘯危機是否能夠解除 正在考驗拜登政府之能力

截至目前為止 全國每日近二十萬人之新增人數比上週高出了百之四十七 一般預料在未來十天內每日將有五十萬人確診 上週每天死亡人數是一千四百零八人 比同一時期增加了百分之十七之多

白宮防疫顧問福奇博士希望即將到來的新年除夕不要有大型集會 因為你不知道有些人是否己経接種了疫苗 這是個傳染的大漏洞

紐約市區在光是聖誕夜一晚就有近五萬人確診 目前每天就有萬九千二百六十八人碓診 是過去兩週來的六倍之多

由于病毒受患者增加 近二千次航班在週一被取消 造成航空站之大混亂 至少有四艘大型游輪因病毒而回航 兩㘯全國性的足球聯賽也被迫取消

福奇博士還是不斷向國人們喊話要大家立即去種疫苗 這是防疫最好的方法

為了參加這項防疫大作戰 我們在美南新聞廣㘯外又加設了一個檢測站 每天有大批市民湧進廣場來進免費檢測 也算是防疫上的最前缐

我們正遭受到人類歷史上重大挑戰 也無法預測未來病毒之變化 這是一次全球公衛濟問題之难題 沒有任何國家能置身事外

We Are All Fighting The Pandemic

Another Covid-19 Testing Station                                                         Added At The Southern News Center

With the arrival of Christmas and the New Year holiday, we are facing a major battle against the pandemic. Whether the crisis can be lifted is testing the ability of the Biden Administration.

We are expecting that five hundred thousand people will be diagnosed everyday in the  next ten days. Last week’s daily death total was 1,408, an increase of 17 percent over the same period a week before.

White House Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Fauci is hoping that there will be no large-scale gatherings for New Year’s Eve because, “ You don’t know if some people have been vaccinated or not.”

In New York City, only on Christmas Eve, nearly one-half million people were diagnosed with Covid-19. Almost 19,000 people have been diagnosed every day now for the past two weeks.

Dr. Fauci still strongly urges people to get the vaccine shot. This is the only way we can prevent more spread of the virus.

In order to help our community, we have set up another Covid-19 testing station in front of our Southern News Group compound. Every day large crowds are now flowing in to get free testing.

We are all suffering from one of the most devastating health challenges in human history and we still can’t predict the future of the virus. This is a global crisis. We need to work together to end it and get out of this horrible and tragic situation.