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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/27

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/27



在陽光普照的美國南方, 雖然疫情仍然嚴峻,但是居住在休斯敦的市民們正在興高采烈的歡樂新年假期, 對每個人而言,家人親友之團聚是每年最重要的時光

我們在家中後庭佈置了具有假日氣氛的長型餐桌 大家共一頓義大利式之麵條 頗有西方文化之色彩

午餐過後 最主要的一項活動是我的書法表演 多少年了 我把父親為我親筆揮寫的一幅字畫在场陳列出來 其中寫道「优秀之誉碩士之光振作精神 開創基業 忠於國家 信義為本 獻出智慧 邁步向前 𠒇勉之父字於 寶島」這幅早已泛黃的墨寶常年掛在我辦公室內 幾乎每日必看 數十年如一日

今天我特別把父親之親筆墨寶搬到了後院中堂 也把已經多年不曾揮寫的毛筆硯台搬上了台 在外孫家豪及外孫女文綺充當書童之協助下 當場為她們寫下了孟子所云「天將降大任於人也 必先苦其心志 勞其筋骨 餓其體膚

時光飛逝 父親離世近數十載 他的挺秀書法和勉勵 常存在心 每當面臨艱困 抬頭見到這幅墨寶 都會再次振奮勇往直前

今天這埸書寫毛筆表演 給外孫們確實帶來了震撼教育 更希望她們能體會長輩之苦心

辛丑年暮 於德州休斯敦 隴西勤莊

Father’s Calligraphy

On this Christmas Day in Houston, Texas, we have a sunny day although the pandemic is still severe, but for everyone’s family reunion, it is the most important time of the year.

My wife and I set up a long table with a holiday atmosphere in our backyard. All of the family enjoyed the Italian-style spaghetti that we cooked for them.

After lunch, one of the most important activities was my calligraphy performance. Today I moved my father’s calligraphy writing to my backyard on which he wrote to me many years ago. My dad was always encouraging and cheered up my spirit to fight for my future. I have hung this piece of art in my office for the last forty years.

Today I set up a table with a brush and some black ink and with assistance from our grandson Andy and granddaughter Ava, even though I haven’t practiced for many years, I wrote to them saying, “When you are ready to take on a big task in your life, you must work hard and overcome all of the challenges.“

My calligraphy writing really brought a “shocking education” to them. We hope one day that they will come to realize our deep love for them.