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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 11/15

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 11/15

我見 我思 我聞


拜登總統今晚和中國國家主席習近平舉行視频會議 將就中美兩國共同關切之問題進行討論 白宮方面表示 两國元首將討論如何有效地掌控競爭而又能促進雙方共同之利益

這是拜登就任總統以來雙方元首第三次之接觸 白宮方面表示 雙方元首會談後可能不會發表任何聯合公報

自從新冠疫情發生以來 習近平主席皆未出國參加任何會議 但是中美兩國已經就氣候變化問題發表了聯合聲明 決心共同治理地球暖化帶來的世界危機

拜登總統就任以來 一再強調中美兩國是競爭而非對抗之關係 但是 最近一連串美國對台灣之親近關係引起中國之忿怒和不満 因而造成台海有史以來最緊張之情勢

自從二〇一一年以來 拜登總統就和習近平主席為舊識 我們希望今晚中美兩國元首之會議能夠得到圓滿之成果

展望目前世界面對之困境 近二年來新冠病毒對所有國家造成之傷害 社會之動亂 失去了多少無辜生命

我們盼望中美兩大國能以拯救人類之偉大胸懷 為全人類之未來之福祉尋求答案


Leaders Of The U.S. And China Will Meet Today

President Biden will convene a virtual meeting today with China’s President Xi Jinping and will discuss how to, “responsibly manage the competition” between the two countries, as well as, “to work together where the mutual interests align.”

This is third direct engagement between the two leaders since Biden became President. As the White House indicated, a joint statement is not expected after the meeting.

The Chinese president has not left China since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.

Just last week, the U.S. and China issued a joint announcement on climate saying that they will cooperate to slow global warming by boosting clean energy initiatives including the curbing of methane emissions.

President Biden has repeatedly emphasized that the relationship between the United States and China is one of competition, but not conflict. Biden has known President Xi since 2011 when he was Vice President.

Lately, China has been angry at U.S. efforts with its close relationship with Taiwan. China claims it will stay on high alert at all times and take all necessary measures to resolutely smash any interference by external forces.

Today the world is suffering because of the pandemic and many economic issues. We all hope the leaders of the two nations will work out solutions to their problems and help solve the many challenges facing the whole world.