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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 10/30

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 10/30


由泰國政府商務部國際貿易司司長菲尼女士率領之代表團日昨來訪國際貿易中心這也是疫情後我們首次接待來訪的賓客 氣氛十分愉快融洽 泰國是我們曾經多次去訪問過的佛教王國

菲尼女士首先闡述泰國近年來伸出雙手歡迎各國之投資並希望有更多之產品銷售到美國 她們此行之目的是希望在德州展開更廣泛的貿易和投資交流

我和中心的共同主席金諾威及常務理事滕權委員親切地接待訪问團一行 並回憶多年前到泰國參訪之美好记憶

在會談之中 我們做成多項合作協議 將在國际貿易中心架構之下設立德州泰國贸易文化促進會 同時決定應泰國商務部之邀 五月中旬組成二十五人代表團訪問泰國 進步加強投資觀光及貿易之交流

設立了近十五年的國際貿易中心 是隸屬於美南新聞旗下的非營利機構 多年來経由我們服務過的中小企業超過兩萬多家 我們曾經和萊斯大學舉辦美非美中贸易高峯會及上百场的各種金融市場貿易文化座談會

我們非常榮幸今天仍然繼續這項服務工作 希望能為泰國政府及民間貢獻力量

ITC Welcomes Our New Partner From Thailand

The International Trade Center has welcomed its first group of visitors from Thailand since the pandemic struck last year.

Kwanapa Phivnil, Executive Director of The Department Of International Trade Promotion From The Ministry of Commerce Of The Royal Thai Government led a delegation to visit the ITC yesterday. Our Co-Chair, Jim Noteware and executive board member Glen Gondo also joined us to greet the group at ITC.

We were having a very fruitful discussion and came up with a proposal to organize a trade association of Texas and Thailand under the ITC banner. The first project will be to visit Thailand in May of 2022 to study investment opportunities and promote more trade between our two countries.

In the last fifteen years, ITC has sponsored many trade summits with Africa and China with more than 20,000 small businesses joining our seminars and events to promote international trade and culture around the world.

In the last two years the whole world has suffered from the coronavirus pandemic and many businesses were shut down. Many of them are still fighting to survive.

ITC has now opened its door again to try and help our community to gain more and new opportunities.

We also urge President Biden to take care of the small businesses of America which are the backbone of our economy.

Welcome to our new partner from Thailand! We will work together for our future!