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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 06/29

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 06/29

西部牛仔小鎮 早已「擁槍自重」了


德州州長上月在最新持槍法案簽上大名之後,從今年九月一日開始, 二十一歲以上的德州人可以在大街上公開持槍, 不需有任何執照 ,此一法律真是使德州佬回到西部牛仔的時代了。


德州在加入美利堅共和國以前是個獨立的國家 ,因地廣人稀 ,盛產石油黑黃金 ,家財萬貫, 而且極有牛仔精神, 許多州民還以穿上長靴頭戴牛仔帽為榮。


我的好友景米洪醫生是老布什總統之御牙醫,多年來他在離市近百哩處擁有百畝莊園, 並自建一八六O年代西部牛仔小鎮, 定名為新杜彬納市, 自命為市長兼警長, 我們在友人之介紹相識多年, 洪醫生和我特別投緣, 並任命我為副市長兼副警長 ,並且把他莊園的密碼交給我, 每次我和友人前往拜訪參觀, 他都無比之親切, 尤其對我們華裔同胞 ,洪醫生家中和身上都擁有槍枝, 他是標準保守德州人, 他對我們始終親如家人, 臉上永遠掛著友善的笑臉。


這是我一年半後首次返回新杜納鎮, 我們再次熱情擁抱 ,久別重逢有回家之感覺。


德州人有許多就如他一樣, 擁槍自重是他們的生活方式, 也不足為奇了。


Old Western Town At New Dubina, Texas

Even though Texas has passed the gun law, it still applies to people with clear criminal records who are 21 or older, or at least 18 for the people serving in the military.

The places where the carrying of handguns is not permitted under present law do not change. Such places include polling place, government buildings, courthouses, high schools, racetracks, correctional facilities, amusement parks and bars.

After all, the new law really opens a new chapter for the State of Texas.

Before we became part of the United States, Texas was a nation state. Because Texas is such a rich state, we have rich natural resources. Many people moved to Texas looking for opportunity.

My dear friend Dr. Jimmy Helms, a retired dentist whose patients included former President George H. W. Bush, has built his own old western town on his 105-acre ranch. We have known Jimmy for many years and we have become very good friends. He also has named me as a Deputy Sheriff of New Dubina. I brought a lot of my friends to visit the small western town. He always greets us with the warmest party in his house.

Jimmy’s New Dubina old west town has been filmed on television many times.

Like many Texans, Jimmy always carries a gun on his compound.

Almost one and a half year later, we visited Jimmy again in his old town. We are so glad this coronavirus pandemic is almost over. We need to go and visit this beautiful land more often.