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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 06/14

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 06/14

我見 我思 我聞

探訪民情 親力親為

上週末接到國會議員格林之電話邀約,參加了他的晚宴 ,餐桌上的賓客多半是他的老友和捐款人,餐會上,格林議員都能如數家珍地介紹每一個人的背景和经營事業,可見他的記憶力和認真誠度,這是一年多疫情擴散以來大家首次同桌進餐,在相互問候聲中,彼此都有刧後餘生之感。



長久以來,格林議員是我們認識的最友善、勤勞 、認真、親民的民意代表,從他的言談和行動中,可以體驗到他對我們的真正關切。


Our Real Intimate Friend – Congressman Al Green

Last week I was invited by Congressman Al Green to attend a party with a group of Asian friends and his supporters.

Al introduced all the guests with their backgrounds and their businesses in detail. We were very surprised that he could remember almost every guest. I knew that he cared for everybody he knew.

After the coronavirus pandemic, this is the first time we were able to get together with many old friends. We all felt we were so lucky that we all survived the last 18 months.

Congressman Green wanted to hear from us about the current problems that we all are facing. Many of us talked about the issues of hate crimes, the cost of building materials and lumber that have gone up three times, the cost of containers from Asian countries that now has gone up to twelve thousands dollars from the previous four thousand dollar price and retail stores and supermarket prices have also gone up. And now we are facing inflation.

Al was listening and took notes. He promised that he will bring all our voices back to Washington. He also introduced us to his new Chief of Staff, Ms. Niha Razi. She is an attorney and her parents are from Pakistan.

In the last fifteen years, Congressman Al Green has been our community’s best intimate friend. His caring, serious and earnest efforts have always warmed our hearts.

I am so lucky to know him and have travelled with him to China and Taiwan on two trips. Today we as Asians are facing a very difficult political dilemma. Al is really trying to help us to seek and find peace in the world.

Our community is so lucky that we have such a representative to represent us in the U.S. Congress.