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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 05/22

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 05/22

我思 我見 我聞

是責任 也是義務


正值美國國會參眾議院以絕大多數通過反對歧視亞裔法案,我們首先感謝孟昭文 趙美心等國會議員多方奔走,此時此刻是亞裔反仇視運動中之一大勝利。


目前在美國的亞裔人口超過二千二百萬人,華裔人口佔百分之二十三,估計超過五百四十萬人, 佔亞裔人口之首位,主要居住在東西兩岸及德州,這項主要為亞裔社區服務的APP 將以最新科技來協助受害者,其功效是立即報警並向週遭之會員們發出聲響及現場影像,對遭遇迫害之受害者做到立即處理之目的。




This Is Our Responsibility To Support

“Justice Alert Alliance”

We are here to express our appreciation for the hard work of Congresswoman Grace Meng and Judy Chu who sponsored the anti-Asian hate crime bill which passed last week in the Congress.

Today a group of Asian American leaders are working to form the Justice Alert Alliance nationwide. Our mission is to protect and fight for our community.

According to the latest census, there are twenty-two million Asian Americans in the United States, with 23% being Chinese Americans or about 5.4 million. Most of the Asians live on the east and west coasts and in Texas.

The Alliance is working to develop a new SOS APP to help crime victims when they are in a dangerous situation. Once the device or smartphone is activated it will immediately begin televising the event in progress and immediately report the situation to police as well as notify other members or relatives of the victim.

The new APP will be ready to use in the next couple of months. We are so glad that we will let our congressmen and law enforcement agencies know about this life-saving APP and device. Very soon we are going to team up with them to fight the crime.

We all came from different corners of the world. And now our home is here. We’re all in the same family. This is the time we need to be united to fight for our safety and our future.