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美國新冠疫情日記 11/19

美國新冠疫情日記 11/19

New Media - LED Big Screen

Southern News Group has created a “Big Screen LED.” It officially started up today in front of our World Headquarters on Bellaire Blvd.

This huge LED with an 18ft. x 10 ft. screen will have many functions in the future. We will carry the up-to-date world and local news every day and we will let people know what is going on right next to them.

We will also feature public service announcements including messages from the county and the city.

This huge LED also is going to be used as an advertisement board for our Southern News Group clients and they will have the opportunity to put their business messages up on the screen.

According to the county traffic count on Bellaire Blvd., at least 27,000 vehicles pass by our World Headquarters location every day.

We are so proud that this LED will connect our community in many areas, especially in our International District. We will use many languages to promote community activities and we also will create an International Who’s Who list we will compile from those outstanding business leaders featured on the screen.

Southern News Group is very happy and proud to use this new technology in this new media age.

    新媒體LED 大屏幕正式啟用

美國傳媒世界總部在休斯敦百利大道上樹立的巨型LED 大屏今天正式啟用 這項結合新聞、社區及客服之新媒體將為休斯敦西南區增添色彩。





值此媒體資訊网路爆炸的時代, 我們將盡全力透過直接媒體大屏幕,以艷麗色彩傳遞各種信息。

今天在我們的大屏幕上 再度播出市政府有關疫情的紅色警戒希望大家少出門戴口罩、 勤洗手。

我們非常高興今天能把大屏新媒體推向社區美南傳媒以日報电視 黃頁 網站 大屏幕結合各種新媒體做了最完美的結合, 希望在未來發展過程中再放異彩。