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在当天之午餐招待会上,我代表休斯敦国际区及美南新闻集团向方氏家族表示由衷之祝贺,并对他们工厰创造之就业机会表示高度讃扬, 我向在埸之各界中外来宾表示,近年来我目睹了许多华人纷纷在各地创业制造就业机会及促进工商业之繁荣功不可灭,我们要向社会各界人士大声疾呼,对於某些反移民人士表示不满,他们狭窄之眠光令人十分忧心,我同时呼吁华华裔人士必须加强团结向政客们说不。


Chinese-American Business Delivers Economic Prosperity To The United States

A few days ago along with our Congressman Al Green we visited Healgen, a medical company that makes COVID test kits in Houston, Texas. Healgen has been urgently authorized by the FDA to start mass production of these test kits to benefit the people in the United States.
At a luncheon on that day, on behalf of Houston's International District and Southern News Group, I expressed my sincere congratulations to Dr. Fang and highly praised the employment opportunities created by their company. We have witnessed many Chinese American companies that have come to the Texas area and have created jobs and many of their personnel have become leaders in our community.
Today we are facing big challenges in our immigrant communities, especially in the Asian community. We must unite to work for our future and for our civil rights.