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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

每日评论0730 百人会会长访问休斯敦

每日评论0730 百人会会长访问休斯敦


上週末在美南电视环球剧场之社区服务颁奖典礼中, 迎来了美国百人会候任会长蔡欣玲律师, 国会议员格林在会上同时颁奖给蔡会长表扬她对会务之贡献。

百人会是美国的一个华人精英组织, 全部是由在美国社会中有影响力和知名度之华裔组成, 该组织係由着名华裔贝聿铭,马友友等发起组成,1990 年成立并设立常设机构於纽约市。

上世纪八十年末,贝聿铭深感美国人对中国非常不瞭解并存有偏见, 於是他倡议共同成立百人会代表华人社会发出声音。


今天我们非常荣幸欢迎蔡会长之到访并参观了美南新闻总部及兴建中之环球第一银行总部大楼, 她对於美南休斯敦地区华亚裔之卓越贡献表示高度讃扬。

The President of The Committee Of 100 Visited Houston

Last weekend at the Community Service Awards Ceremony at the STV Global Theatre, the Interim President of the Committee of 100 was in attendance and Congressman Al Green presented her with an award in recognition of her contributions to the community.
The Committee of 100 is an elite Chinese organization in the United States composed of influential and well-known Chinese in American society. The organization was formed by the famous architect, I.M. Pei, in New York in 1990.
At the end of the 1980‘s, I.M. Pei deeply felt that Americans were very unaware of China and even biased, so he proposed to invite hundreds of leaders to make a 'one voice' on behalf of the Chinese American society.
Since then, the organization for more than 30 years has always been committed to two missions: to promote the full participation of Chinese Asians in American social life and to promote the development of constructive relations between the United States and greater China.
Today are greatly honored to meet the Interim President of the Committee of 100 and we will continue to support them.