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每日社评:0708 台湾高官因贪污被收押

每日社评:0708 台湾高官因贪污被收押


前行政院副院长现任台湾海基会董事长郑文灿疑涉贪遭收押禁见,目前以台币五百万元交保候审。 这对执政的民进党而言是个非常重大之打击,这也充分証明在政治上权力使人腐化,银子人人爱的道理。



这批当年以反执政之国民党政府之青年领袖人人都当上了大官,大权在握 , 他们座上豪车住上华厦之后,确忘了当年对国家之承诺。


Taiwan’s Senior Officials Are Taken Into Custody On Charges Of Corruption

Former Vice Premier Cheng Wencan was suspected of corruption and was released on bail. This is a very big blow  to the ruling Democratic Party, which also fully proves the truth that political power corrupts people and everyone loves money.

The political star of the DPP party known as ‘Fat Chow Yu’ was a big celebrity during the eight years of   

Tsai Ing-wen’s reign. He was once considered to be the successor to become president.

Although the corruption case has not yet been tried and convicted, the prosecutor has obtained very solid evidence of his criminal behavior during his tenure as Mayor of Tao Yuan County.

This group of young leaders of anti-ruling KMT government all became high-ranking officials and held the power. It is very regretful that some of them became corrupted officials and lost their vision for the country